Question about Cherry Blossom Recipes


Representative of Elygia
Jul 5, 2015
Does anybody know if there is a limit to how many cherry blossom DIY recipes can be found in a day? I found around three this morning and then have found none since. Wondering if i just have really really bad luck or if there is a limit to how many can be found per day because I've been searching for hours and have found every single bunny day recipe and not a single new cherry blossom one.
I have the same "issue" and hearing your case, lets me suspect that there might be a daily max.
I got only 3 recipes and the rest was regular stuff. Might be on purpose in this case.
i got the wand and umbrealla and wallpaper today so maybe there is a limit to 3 a day i would shoot more down but i have shot 300 balloons and they longer spawn due to the bug :3
I've gotten a ton of bunny day furniture/recipes and about 40 cherry blossoms but 0 cherry blossom recipes. :(
I only got around 2 balloons today and the only recipe I found was after I caught some cherry blossoms.. I hope tomorrow will go better..
I got the cherry blossom wallpaper. I get excited whenever I see normal balloons. I'm getting close to 300 balloons though and I hear that there is a bug going on with them not spawning once you get that achievement. I hope they fix that soon. That can definetly break the Bunny Day event.