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Question About Creating A Villager Themed Cycling Town(s)?

Yugi Moto

Super Special Awesome!
Jan 23, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Silver Mailbox
Hello everyone, so a couple of weeks ago I had the idea in my head of creating A villager themed town, not only to shake things up a bit from the repetitive nature of cycling but also to have a little fun for myself and for everyone participating (I first thought of this method almost immediately upon learning what villager personality resetting was).

When I say a villager theme for a cycling town, what I'm saying is that you somehow get a hold of a villager, whether it be one of your starters or get it from someone else or plot resetting for one, then you base your whole cycling town around that villager so it's kinda like a game. Your goal for your newly created town is to get that villager in boxes and give it to someone. Once you do that then you reset your town, leaving all the rest of the villagers voided.

So I have a couple of questions for you guys. Do you think this is a good idea? If so, what villager or villagers do you think I should be using for the theme? If not, what changes would you make or if you really hate my idea what idea do you think would be better? Any ideas you guys can think of in terms of making this into as fun a game as possible would be greatly appreciated.

I feel like I have more to say but I honestly can't think of anything atm so that'll be all for now. If I think of anything else I'll definitely edit it in this post. Thank you for your time :)
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lol Yugi! Btw completely off topic (but I will help you on this!)
any updates for our cycling thread? ;):)
I'm sorry yugi, but i'm a tad confused LOL Dx

Can you somehow summarise what you wrote in this post to me? D:
I think that's a great idea! Maybe a popular villager who do you like the most in the game that isn't in your main town but wish they were? If you have one then you should base it on them! Also create a maze to get to the villager - with pitfalls, signs, dead ends - so you can get 4 people in this - they race to get the villager by going through the maze! 1st place gets_______(space for villager) 2nd get maybe bells or hybrids? Same with 3rd and 4th!
I'm sorry yugi, but i'm a tad confused LOL Dx

Can you somehow summarise what you wrote in this post to me? D:

Ahh sry I'm not great at explaining things. Ok I'll try to simplify it.

You start a new cycling town. You get marshal (just an example of a villager). Marshal is the theme of your town. When Marshal gets adopted then the game is over and one lucky person just won a very popular villager. Erase the town and make a new one and find a new (or the same) villager to use for the next theme and do it all over again. Does that make more sense? :3

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I think that's a great idea! Maybe a popular villager who do you like the most in the game that isn't in your main town but wish they were? If you have one then you should base it on them! Also create a maze to get to the villager - with pitfalls, signs, dead ends - so you can get 4 people in this - they race to get the villager by going through the maze! 1st place gets_______(space for villager) 2nd get maybe bells or hybrids? Same with 3rd and 4th!

I honestly love you right now for thinking of this idea. I might be too lazy to actually execute this but it's such a fantastic idea xD
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Ahh sry I'm not great at explaining things. Ok I'll try to simplify it.

You start a new cycling town. You get marshal (just an example of a villager). Marshal is the theme of your town. When Marshal gets adopted then the game is over and one lucky person just won a very popular villager. Erase the town and make a new one and find a new (or the same) villager to use for the next theme and do it all over again. Does that make more sense? :3

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I honestly love you right now for thinking of this idea. I might be too lazy to actually execute this but it's such a fantastic idea xD

that makes sense, that idea sounds so fun! will you be doing this even for super "unpopular" villagers? c: <3

go for it!
The main reason why I would be doing this is to help more ppl get a villager that is either extremely popular or is just too out of reach otherwise for most ppl who are after that villager. For example marshal is so sought after and so many ppl are left empty handed trying to get him but I could create a themed town around him and keep giving one lucky person their own free marshal!

- - - Post Merge - - -

that makes sense, that idea sounds so fun! will you be doing this even for super "unpopular" villagers? c: <3

go for it!

I'm not sure, that's actually one of my questions in my OP. I need your guys help with that :3

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Now that I think about it tho...it would be much easier to get a villager that is either as a starter or is easy to plot reset for so that might reduce a lot of choices. Not entirely sure tho atm
Thanks I'm glad to help but it would be cool to see that idea hatch! Ok I'm going to call the villager (the one you choose) that hmmm.. also make only That's area beautiful flowers everywhere perfect fruit that place luxurious! Everyone else abandoned and empty that way it is quite clear your only focusing on that!
Ok so right now the best idea that i've got is to theme my town around either julian or marshal.

1) Because they are both smug and that personality has a lot less villagers than most of the other personalities making it much easier to plot reset for

2) They are both tier 1 and I personally see that a lot of ppl are after these guys

If anyone has any other/better suggestions for villagers I'm all ears. Yea I could keep resetting and see if I can get some good starters but honestly I don't know if I want to get caught in a situation where I keep resetting like thirty towns trying to get decent villagers....

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Thanks I'm glad to help but it would be cool to see that idea hatch! Ok I'm going to call the villager (the one you choose) that hmmm.. also make only That's area beautiful flowers everywhere perfect fruit that place luxurious! Everyone else abandoned and empty that way it is quite clear your only focusing on that!

All these ideas are bringing up an interesting thought...I'm not sure how much work I actually want to put into my town's actual look for the sake of the game. My questions were more in terms of the game structure itself tho although you gave really cool ideas but it might be a bit too much than I'm willing to do. We'll see tho
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