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Question about Golden Shovel + Axe


Aug 4, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Unfortunate Mushroom
Please correct me if I'm wrong here, as I'm only posing these questions based on what I 'think' is correct.

1.) The golden shovel DIY...I was under the impression helping Gulliver 30 times gets this recipe mailed to you. I've helped Gulliver WAY over 30 times at this point (and no I'm not counting Gullivarrr) so I'm not sure what the deal is here...does a shovel have to break while I'm helping him or something?

2.) The golden axe DIY...here I was under the impression you have to break 100 axes before you get this one. I really don't expect to be at this point yet as I rarely farm wood, but I do have a question. Does it matter what kind of axe needs to break for it to count towards your total? I just realized a Flimsy Axe only takes 40 swings before it breaks, where as the other two take 100. Basically I just need to know if I should be switching to Flimsy Axes until I get the recipe.

The golden shovel recipe will be mailed to you the following day. And no, whether your shovel breaks or not has nothing to do with it.

Yes, you can break flimsy axes to get the recipe quickly.
My wife got the golden axe recipe after breaking a flimsy axe.

That's all she uses.
I guess she broke 100. ^_^

The axe DIY is an idea you have, it's not sent. :)
I don't know about the shovel diy, since I got it in the mail from gulliver, but for the golden axe, you can break any kind of axe and you don't even have to be the one who does all of the hits, only the final one matters. I helped out some friends with getting the diy by mailing them axes that had 1 hit left in them and they were able to get it.
The golden shovel recipe will be mailed to you the following day. And no, whether your shovel breaks or not has nothing to do with it.

Yes, you can break flimsy axes to get the recipe quickly.
Good news about the axes, bad news about the shovel.
Is the number of times I've had to help Gulliver 30 like I thought, or is it higher than that?...cuz like I said, I've helped him way more than 30 times by now.
Good news about the axes, bad news about the shovel.
Is the number of times I've had to help Gulliver 30 like I thought, or is it higher than that?...cuz like I said, I've helped him way more than 30 times by now.
You might have confused him with Gullivarrr at times and been under thirty.
You might have confused him with Gullivarrr at times and been under thirty.
Definitely didn't. I was at 17 when they introduced Gullivarrr in July, and I made mental note of this because at the time I wondered if helping Gullivarrr counted towards your 'Gulliver's Travails' total.
I've easily helped him those 13 more times while TTing to get villagers out since July.

If I somehow glitched myself it's my own fault.
Good news about the axes, bad news about the shovel.
Is the number of times I've had to help Gulliver 30 like I thought, or is it higher than that?...cuz like I said, I've helped him way more than 30 times by now.

Sites say '30'. I never really kept track of it. I was just surprised to see the mail the following day.

I really hope you didn't glitch it. Try helping him one more time and check the next day without TTing.
Sites say '30'. I never really kept track of it. I was just surprised to see the mail the following day.

I really hope you didn't glitch it. Try helping him one more time and check the next day without TTing.

I just moved a villager in via island hopping, so I shouldn't have to TT for a bit...hopefully he shows up...but since I just had him this week I'm guessing Gullivarrr comes next.

Anyways, thanks for the info everyone! I'm happy enough knowing about the axes...it'll make getting that recipe a lot easier.
It took more than 30 visits for me to get the shovel, I think I messed up the process by getting one of his items via trading. I had to wait a few more times before I finally got it, I even started getting repeat items before. So it's not exactly 30 times, depending on various circumstances but you do get it eventually.
I have the same issue with the shovel! I am sure I have helped him more than 30 times, but still no shovel :( I am now also trying with my alt account.
It's the same issue for me too! I've helped him more than 30 times (not counting Gulliverrr) and I still haven't gotten the Golden Shovel DIY. I wonder if it has anything to do with having extra characters glitching it out? I've only helped him with my first character but I wonder if you also have to help him with the other player characters on the island too.
I have this issue as well, and I also TT a lot now so I might have glitched it too. I just try to help him whenever I see him and hope I get the DIY in the mail bc idk what else to do.
I haven't gotten the golden shovel yet either. I've helped him at least 20 times going by the nook miles card and that was back in October. I definitely feel like I've helped him more than 10 times since then, but who knows lol.
I just got the golden axe a few minutes ago. The quickest way is to make a bunch of flimsy axes and go to town on a tree. Someone made a youtube video saying if u make 100 axes it would takes roughly an hour non stop to get the diy.
I'm still working on the golden shovel, i didnt count but i would swear I've helped him more than 30 times too. I think next time he comes I'm gonna t back and forth and help him a bunch(this was also in the youtube video). Good luck
I just got the golden axe a few minutes ago. The quickest way is to make a bunch of flimsy axes and go to town on a tree. Someone made a youtube video saying if u make 100 axes it would takes roughly an hour non stop to get the diy.
I'm still working on the golden shovel, i didnt count but i would swear I've helped him more than 30 times too. I think next time he comes I'm gonna t back and forth and help him a bunch(this was also in the youtube video). Good luck

You should be able to check the in game counter to verify if you did help him at least 30 times. I haven't gotten there yet so I can't say how long it takes to get the shovel after helping 30 times.
You should be able to check the in game counter to verify if you did help him at least 30 times.
Where do you check the counter? The only place I saw that kept track was the Nook miles achievement, and it stops telling you how many times you've helped him after 20 times. And I think that it might also count Gulivarr visits for the achievement, but I'm not sure.
Where do you check the counter? The only place I saw that kept track was the Nook miles achievement, and it stops telling you how many times you've helped him after 20 times. And I think that it might also count Gulivarr visits for the achievement, but I'm not sure.

Oh that's unfortunate. I thought it went to 30.
I may or may not have figured out something...not the problem itself, but something...

So when I TT to get a villager out, I only move forward day by day for 1 week, then I reset to the present day. Coincidentally, the past 2 times I've started TTing, Gulliver has been on my beach. So I help him, do my TTing, get to a week, then basically rinse/repeat if the villager I want to leave isn't the one getting the thought bubble. This puts me back on Gulliver day for those of you keeping track.

Now, when you do this, you don't get Isabelle's usual 'good morning' announcements, the game just starts with me coming out of my door...so I THINK no matter how many times you help Gulliver on this day, it still only counts as one.
To further this point, I can't vouch for my gifts from him 2 visits ago as I wasn't trying to log away info, my last visit (so last week) I had to TT to Gulliver day 3 times before the villager I wanted out decided to move, all 3 gifts from him were Dala Horses.

So based on what I just laid out, I'm fairly confident that the game will only register you helping him once even if you do it multiple times.

My next test will be TTing to the day before Gulliver day...I have a feeling if Isabelle gives you the morning announcements the game might register it as a separate visit.