Senior Member
According to the notice, it seems that the hip essence will only be available in the quarry until Feb 5th. Am I reading that right? Not that the quarry is a great place to get essence, but it's something.
That's the way I read it as well. And btw, I'm not showing an option to craft that other new amenity, only the mushroom tent thing.
I'm still salty about how I went to the quarry yesterday for hip essence... I ended up getting 1250 bells but only 3 hip essences? I don't know if it's because I didn't find good minerals or...
So, all the winter sports event stuff is gone, but the quarry still has the "limited" banner. Guess it isnt a mistake. Dont understand why they would make this one limited when rustic appears indefinitely though.
Specifically, you get 2 essences for a gold, 1 for a silver, 0 for a ruby or sapphire. There's also a random chance (percentage I dont know) that a nugget will be worth double the usual amount.
If the symbol is gold and sparkly when you enter it means theres a higher percentage of gold and silver nuggets present than normal.
Special event items, like snowflakes, never have rubies and sapphires.
My personal best is 11 essences. Got that 3 times.
Going by my own observations, the limited banner appears when an event is going on which effects that area. So, for the Christmas and New Year events, the quarry showed limited. For Rover, the banner moved to camp, and did not appear on the quarry. For snowflakes, the banner went back on the quarry. It would appear the banner is still there because of hip essence. Tomorrow, presumably, there will be a banner on both quarry and camp.
It doesnt matter what the current reward is showing in the quarry. If there is an event ongoing which effects it, there will be a banner. Otherwise, it goes
Uh. I think. As you know ravenblue, my success rate on my theories isnt very high at the minute.
Specifically, you get 2 essences for a gold, 1 for a silver, 0 for a ruby or sapphire. There's also a random chance (percentage I dont know) that a nugget will be worth double the usual amount.
If the symbol is gold and sparkly when you enter it means theres a higher percentage of gold and silver nuggets present than normal.
Special event items, like snowflakes, never have rubies and sapphires.
My personal best is 11 essences. Got that 3 times.
It can be sparkly. Ive seen it as both already. I think it works like a sparkly essence though, not a sparkly event item (even though I guess it is an event item): with hip essence, you CAN get rubies and sapphires, and you CAN get a sparkly version, which will have fewer of them.
If your lucks anything like mine youll still find them all though. Haha.
What I dont get is why it is limited and rustic isnt. I dont get it being limited at all to be honest, but especially after rustic set a precedent of not being...