Question about scanning amiibo


Senior Member
May 28, 2020
Mother's Day Carnation
So if I scan an amiibo for 2 days and the 3th day I scan someone else, is the amiibo moving process reset for that first villager?

For example I scan Marshal monday and tuesday and complete his requests. Then if I scan in Rosie on wednesday, is the progress with Marshal lost?
No, it doesn’t reset. The game keeps track how many times you’ve invited a villager. You can even wait months apart until you invite them again and the game remembers.
I thought I heard scanning a different villager resets it? But I never actually tested it myself.
I haven't tried scanning a second villager while inviting another before but I have gone a whole two weeks without inviting said villager I wanted to move in. It was the third time and they still wanted to move in right away. So I assume it's fine to scan them and scan somebody else. :)
Yes. I bought some cards and scanned them all 2 times but I didn’t want to move them in yet. After maybe 2 months I invited them one by one and just asked them one more time for them to agree.
Hmm I might give this a go sometime when my next villager is thinking about moving out.
If I recall correctly and they haven't changed it, I don't think it resets the amount of times you need invite the villager.

I think the only thing it resets is your chance for a random camper. It goes back to 0% for the two days following inviting a camper, and then raises something like 5% each day before topping out at 20%.
I haven’t done this in months but in the past it did not reset the number of invites completed previously.