Question about TBT Selling


Guava Purveyor
Sep 11, 2014
San Goiaba
Orange (Fruit)
So when I have enough TBT, I plan to sell it on the TBT forum. However being new at that, I would like to know how transactions between TBT and in-game bells normally take place. If someone takes my offer, would they give me in-game bells and then I give them TBTs after I confirm the amount? Or would it be vise-versa? The only thing I would be afraid of is giving TBT but not getting the right amount of bells agreed upon by both parties.
My experiences here, for your reference:
Send the other member half of the BTB agreed amount when they arrived,
then the remaining after the Re-Tail method successfully completed.
Please note that the in-game bells will show up in your ABD account the next game day.

While we are on the subject,
I'd strongly recommend using the Re-Tail method.
It's safer, and way easier to keep track than dropping bell bags.
Replaced all 8 of the flea market display slots with native fruits/regular flowers/seashells, etc.,
and priced them at max bells of 999,999. (1 bell short of 1 mil)
That way both buying & selling parties know the progress.

Also SAVE often, perhaps every 2 mil or so.
Because disconnection could and would happen. Don't risk it.

Hope this helped answer your questions. Have fun! C:
I agree with Tom, I would also confirm the in game bells before sending TBT
You could do what Boba Fett does with the Hutts, and do half the TBT before, and half the TBT after. That way, you can keep track of things.
When I have sold TBT (only a few times early on when I was building my main town) if they person had a high wifi rating I went ahead and transferred.

When I have bought TBT I take into consideration how new the account is and their wifi rating, but most times, I ask they transfer half the TBT when I arrive and the other half when I am half way done. But, if I am dropping bells instead of use the re-tail method I ask that they transfer all the TBT once I arrive in their town. Only once did someone question that and I pointed out the number of wifi ratings I have and that it is 100% and that if he was still uncomfortable then he should find someone else to buy his TBT....he went ahead and transferred, I dropped and everyone was happy.
Thank you everyone! I like both ideas about either obtaining bells first or doing the half and half method. Whoever I'm selling TBT to I would ask which method they prefer and go on from there. Or if they do have 100 percent ratings then I might give it to them first and obtain the bells afterwards. I might do the retail method, since dropping that amount of bells on the ground seems a little messy.
Thank you everyone! I like both ideas about either obtaining bells first or doing the half and half method. Whoever I'm selling TBT to I would ask which method they prefer and go on from there. Or if they do have 100 percent ratings then I might give it to them first and obtain the bells afterwards. I might do the retail method, since dropping that amount of bells on the ground seems a little messy.

personally if someone's re-tail is in the southern end by the beach, and they do not have a home nearby with an ABD, I prefer dropping unless it is a huge amount, just because all that running back and forth to the post office abd and back can be a bit much. When I do that, I usually tell them I am fine with them picking up as I drop so they can deposit as we go along.