question about tting back to time


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2017
hi guys.

so i share a switch with my siblings, which is usually fine most of the time, but then today, my brother wanted to use the switch for a pokemon sword event. when he gave it back to me, i logged into my town to realize that i was literally a month forward in time. turns out, the event he needed to play was a month ahead ingame so he decided to mess with the the date setting of the switch without telling me. i'm really distressed and upset about this, because this massive time skip has messed with my progress. i want to tt back to the real date, but i have a problem. before the time skip, i had a plot set up for a villager that someone was willing to trade me and i was making sure that no one would take it. after the time skip, the plot is still not taken, but now i have a camper, and usually i get a random move in the day after i see a camper. (i'm not saying this is true for all games, it's just a pattern i noticed in mine.) i'm afraid that if i tt back to original date, a random move in will take his spot, and i will have to tt again to make room for my dreamie.

if i tt back, will the game treat it as a new day and i'll have a new villager? or can i still safely tt back without someone moving in?