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Eligible Rainshine 🌦️ 2023

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Libra Season ♎
May 12, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Heart Balloon
Blue Balloon
Green Heart Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Pink Heart Balloon
Welcome to Rainshine!
airport deana.jpeg

First time here? Rainshine is a recently developed island community in the northern hemisphere, established on May 31st 2020! My name is Deana and I'm the elected island representative! (Sure there were only 3 residents here when we voted but the election was still totally legit!) I have had the pleasure of watching this island grow from the very beginning and now that a new year is under way I have set out to document what life is like here in our little corner of world.

A brief history:
Back in 2020 upon arrival to the island, we had nothing more than tents and dreams. Myself, Axel, and Katt were the founding residents and the name Rainshine was quickly established. The island was naturally abundant with oranges, roses, and wide open spaces.
Developments came together very quickly to set up a permanent Residents Services building, a system of paths, bridges, shops, a museum, and homes for several new neighbours! Through the generosity of other islands we now grow several types of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. We host special holiday celebrations several times a year to keep our residents entertained but travelling salespersons and visitors also bring something new to the everyday.
jan 2023 map.jpg

Of course, things have settled down A LOT by the year 2023. Major renovations to the island are mostly complete, the museum is nearing a complete collection, everyone has their own best friends and routines with their neighbours. Our island really has become truly a home, where one can now settle in and enjoy the simple pleasures. I hope you enjoy your stay and enjoy learning about life here on Rainshine!
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January 19, 2023

So it’s a new year, 2023, how do we start things off?

Well firstly I had to go around and wish everyone on the island a Happy New Year formally since I had not paid anyone a visit since December. Of course I got a lot of wise remarks about being away but that’s to be expected. At least I got around to everyone before February! I was able to locate and greet everyone without much trouble but when I found Étoile things were… different. She was happy to see me but I could tell more was on her mind. Apparently she too was looking for something new this year, in the form of a new home.

Étoile is someone I know well, she has lived with me on Rainshine for a long time, so when she approached me about moving I could tell it was serious. l I knew that asking her to stay would be selfish of me so I agreed that a new start would be good for her.

Now expecting Étoile's departure, it looks like 2023 is already bringing change to the island.
January 20, 2023

My main priority today was to say good bye to Étoile who was packing up in preparation for her move. She was wearing a shirt that I had given as a gift and it warms my heart to know she will be taking it with her. I know she will be dearly missed by all residents here but sometimes a change of scenery is just what we need. After all seeking a new adventure is what brought each of us to Rainshine in the first place.

After leaving Étoile's I did a round of greeting the neighbours and then headed over to the shops to see what was for sale. Outside of the shops is where I ran into my winter nemesis: snowballs. Most of the island is too full for these snowballs to appear, however one of the remaining construction projects currently leaves a large empty space that these snowballs like to take advantage of. Why do I hate the snowballs so much? Because I am unfortunately cursed at being one of the worst snowboy builders out there. I do always try my best but I still usually fall short and receive great amounts of sass from the imperfect snowboys. What can I say, I’m just not naturally gifted at the art of snow sculpting.
Typically I avoid the snowballs all together but for whatever reason today I decided to give making a snowboy a try… my first one of the new year or something sentimental like that. This whim ended up being rather fruitful…

I created a perfect snowboy! Not at all sure how it happened but everything came together just right today. As result I received some lovely praise instead of sass and a new recipe to go with it. Hopefully this is a sign of more good things to come.
January 21, 2023

It’s a new day on Rainshine and Étoile is fully moved out. Now because our island space is limited we naturally need to keep our number of residents limited as well. Étoile leaving creates a rare opportunity for a new neighbour to move in.
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During times such as these I often like to journey out and see if I myself can personally invite someone who would be a good fit for our island. With a handful of Nook Miles Tickets I headed to the airport and set off.
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Getting to meet new people is always so fun and exciting! But it usually takes me talking to a few different people before I meet someone who feels just right for Rainshine. Today that person was:
Just kidding! You'll have to wait for tomorrow and see who I invited.

Back on Rainshine after a long day, I decided to take in a bit of live music from the legend himself, K.K. Slider. He always makes time to stop in for shows here because of the great fan turnout even for a little island of our size! Most of the Rainshine residents will dip in and out of the concert as the night goes on. At the time when I dropped by I got sit all by myself and listen underneath the beautiful aurora sky, it felt extra special. For song choice, I always leave it up to K.K. because what I most want to hear is what’s at the forefront of his mind. Tonight it was Chillwave.
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January 22, 2023

A new day and this one starts with a new neighbour! Today Rainshine welcomes it’s newest resident Dora!

When I encountered Dora on that little island tour, I almost didn’t encounter her because she blended in with the snow so well! From amongst the bamboo I somehow heard her soft little voice and found my way over to her. The voice was coming from an adorable little white mouse and when we spoke she was so sweet that I knew she would make the perfect neighbour. I can’t wait for everyone to meet her!
At the top of the morning announcements Isabelle wished everyone good fortune for the Lunar New Year and then announced Dora’s arrival to the island. I think starting a new chapter with a new neighbour is definitely a bit of good fortune so we are already off to a great start.


I visited right away to make sure Dora was settling in okay. After that I made sure to say hi and Happy Lunar New Year to everyone else on the island. I gave out some wrapped apples to celebrate (red fruits with red wrapping paper) and everyone seemed to enjoy that. Cookie and Tipper both gave me additional copies of their photos in exchange for my New Years gifts which was such a lovely surprise. Of course once the fun was over I had some work to do. Finding a new neighbour cost me quite a lot of Nook Miles Tickets so my priority will be to earn a lot of Nook Miles again over the upcoming weeks. All the work is worth it though, to get to live on an island as beautiful as this.
January 23, 2023

It’s Monday of a new week which always brings a visitor to the island. Today it was Leif the gardener! Leif visits the island from time to time with a cart full of horticultural goodies to make sure everyone is well stocked on flower seeds and seasonal shrubs. When I stopped by the plaza to say hello to him I found Dora and Cookie there as well doing some stretches.
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I am so happy to see Dora out of her house, exploring the island, and even making a friend! I was also so inspired by their fitness efforts that I thought it might be a good time for some more formal group stretching. I hit the tape deck and a lot of others decided to join in as well! We tend to be a little out of sync (or a lot) but it’s nice to get our bodies moving.

Since not everyone shows up to the group stretching I went off to greet my other neighbours. When I went to look for Teddy I found him at home with an awful illness! I could tell he was in no state to go to the store himself so I went to Nook’s to pick up the medicine he would need.

When I got back with the medicine he instantly perked up and after taking it he said he felt a lot better. I know that he would do the same for me if I was unwell. Having neighbours that you can count on is another thing that sets Rainshine apart from the rest.
January 26, 2023

It was a snowy day on the island today. I set off to my morning errands saying hi to everyone I encountered along the way. I had to clean up overgrown flowers, catch some fish, visit the store, and of course grab a hot cup of coffee while I was out.
Jan 26 2023.jpg

At Flo’s house she was hard at work in the kitchen. The aroma of whatever she was making smelled absolutely delicious. I later learned the dish was savory bread and she even shared the recipe with me so I could try making some for myself.

Back outside I ran in to Tipper and she invited me over to her place. I took her up on the offer so I could get back out of the snow. Tipper's house is filled with clean white and has a faint smell of laundry. She has a large grand piano in the back right corner, a washing area, and a very plush antique bed. I had a seat on the sofa that was so comfortable I could sit and gossip here for hours. I think the comfortability of her home is exactly how she gets everyone to spill their secrets.
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After a lovely visit, while I was practically out the door, Tipper stopped me with a special gift. She gave me a copy of her favourite song Soulful K.K. as a memento of my visit to her home. I am truly so lucky to have the neighbours that I do.
January 27, 2023

This morning on one of my seashell collecting walks I found a pirate washed up on the beach. Not just any pirate, a well-known pirate: Captain Gullivarrr. He is well known to me at least because he washes up here all the time. He’s a friendly fellow with impeccable fashion sense but I will say his regular beachings on my beach can be a little annoying. To make sure he gets home safely, I woke him up and then went for a dip in the ocean to locate his cell phone.

Upon returning it to him he was very grateful, he quickly contacted his crew so they can come and pick him up. He always sends me a gift in the mail to thank me so I can expect some pirate themed mail tomorrow.

I then ran in to Punchy who asked me for a favour. He wanted me to deliver a gift to Pecan. I do love to be helpful but delivering something like this is always a risk. What if the gift isn’t any good? I hate to be the bearer of bad presents. Since Punchy has not been living here very long I felt a sense of obligation to help out so I agreed to take on the task.

Before long I had made it to Pecan’s house. I quickly presented her with Punchy’s gift and she opened it in front of me so I could also see what it was. It was a drying rack (and thankfully not tacky clothing) which Pecan appreciated. She thanked me and I headed on my way. It warms my heart so much to see my neighbours getting along with each other. I worked on earning some more Nook Miles and took in some more Rainshine scenery to close off the day.
January 30, 2023

Brrrrr! It was another heavy snowfall day on Rainshine. Isabelle announced Flick visiting the island but it was NOT bug catching weather outside today. Flick buys bugs for the best prices and usually I like to take advantage but today I would rather have a snow day. Besides, I really need to focus on earning more Nook Miles rather than just making bells so that’s what I set out to do. Good thing my balloon sniping skills are still sharp.
Deana shoots down a balloon

Down at the beach I was able to catch Dora at home for the first time since unpacking. I knocked on her door in hopes to get invited in and of course she generously invited me. I love to see how my neighbours decorate thier homes. The inside of Dora’s house was simple and cozy, I think it matches her nicely.
Dora's house interior

At the beach I was also able to find a washed up bottle with a message inside. The bottle I found today had a new recipe for me inside: a cherry lamp DIY! After all this time on this island sometimes it surprises me how much still I don’t know but I am happy to have this recipe long at last.
Rep Deana learns the DIY recipe for a cherry lamp

Amongst all my running around I think I may have also finally come up with some inspiration for some of my construction projects. To be more specific, it was time to make some changes to the shop area. This wide open space did help me make that perfect snowboy a while ago but I think it’s time to decorate. I put on my construction hat and a cheeky grin. Hopefully over the next couple of days I can shape this area in to something much better.
A before of the construction area and Deana in her construction hat
January 31, 2023

The day started with an announcement that we have a visitor at the campsite! Lots of different visitors like to pass through here and it's always a nice opportunity to meet new people. Occasionally campsite visitors will decide to move to the island permanently but based on the recent resident changes lately, I don't expect any more move-ins or move-outs for a while. Still even if our camper will only be here for a day it's nice to stop by and say hello. I entered the tent to see who it was and it was a hippo named Harry.
Isabelle announces a campsite visitor and Deana visits Harry in the tent

Once I had done visiting our visitor, I went up to the farm to harvest some fruits and vegetables. Upon picking up only a few vegetables I was surprised by a *ding* from my NookPhone because apparently I had harvested my 500th vegetable! I find it so fun to track this progress and I definitely need the Nook Miles as well.
Deana shows off the farm and new achievement

With my fruits and veggies collected, I started to get them wrapped up to hand out to everyone. What can I say I just love to out give presents and I love to see what everyone is up to as I search the island to greet them each day. I got a lot of nice presents in return for the produce including a terry-cloth nightcap from Dora and a mug from Punchy. I was also able to capture a silly photo of Ken outside the museum, I don't think I've ever seen him so deep in thought before.
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Now once I ran out of presents it was back to my construction work. I removed a lot of cliffs so that I could move the shop slightly farther away from Ables Sisters and closer to the airport. This gives both stores a little more "personal space" and Nook's will be still very close to it's original location so I know my neighbours won't get lost trying to find it. The shop will not be fully moved until tomorrow and there will be a lot more decorating after but I am happy with the progress so far!
February 2, 2023

Today started as many of my days do with some fresh mail in my mailbox. However it was not a fun letter or present from a friend like I was hoping for, just my monthly interest statement from the bank. Time is always sneaking up on me so I feel like this happens every month, no friend mail but I guess bank mail is better than no mail at all. I discarded the letter and got on with seeing what all my neighbours were up to. Axel gave me some silly glasses but I don't think the look was working for me.
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I smelled a very delicious smell coming from Cookie's house so I definitely had to stop in there. Just my luck she was making a new recipe AND willing to share! She taught me how to make a tomato bagel sandwich and I can't wait to try it.
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Since I was out and about at night time I was also able to encounter a special visitor, Celeste! Celeste is an expert of the stars who visits on nights with good sky visibility. She also happens to be the sister of our local museum curator Blathers. Today when I spoke to her she had a gift for me of a large star fragment and I always need more star fragments.

After one sees Celeste on the island the next logical step is to go find a good star gazing spot and that's what I did. Being out here in the middle of nowhere means no light pollution and the absolute best views. I had to sit and wait for a little while but with some patience I was able to see what I was hoping for: shooting stars! I made a few wishes before heading to bed for the night.
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February 3, 2023

Upon exiting my house this morning I stumbled across a lost item dropped not far from my front door. Luckily for whomever lost this, I love to solve a mystery and reunite items with their owners.
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Examination of the bag showed a lot of buttons and pins of different pop stars which means this item can only belong to Cookie. I was able to find her outside of Resident Services and return the bag which had apparently been missing for a very long time. I'm always happy to help out a friend.
Cookie and Bag are reunited

What was everyone else getting up to on this fine day? Punchy and Ken both had similar ideas of enjoying something warm. I caught Punchy soaking up the sun with a coffee in hand at the playground, while Ken was enjoying some hot soup near the museum.
Punchy and Ken enjoy warm liquids

Axel was at home flexing his DIY skills. He was making a stacked-wood wall which I had never heard of before so he happily passed along the recipe to me! (Ever since I started documenting Rainshine I have suddenly had amazing luck learning new DIY and cooking recipes!)
Deana learns to make a stacked-wood wall!

After I was done talking to everyone it was back over to the shops area where I have been busily at work. Nook's Cranny is now placed in its new location and all the trees and flowers I've planted are fully grown. I added an ABD right outside to make this area more convenient for visitors and a bistro table (which still needs some chairs). Overall I like the area much better now and hopefully my neighbours all agree.
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February 6, 2023

We had another camper visiting Rainshine today! I excitedly went over to the campsite to see who our visitor was and it was Bianca! I made sure to give her a warm welcome and I hope she has a lovely time camping here.
A curious Deana outside of the tent and Bianca inside!

Out in front of Residents Services I found Teddy and Punchy having a campfire! They looked pretty cute but I'm not sure if Tom Nook authorized this fire here or not.
Unauthorized open flames

Once I finished running around and saying "hi!" to everyone, I set out on my mission for today: to make some recipes! I wouldn't say that I fear the kitchen but making recipes is definitely something that I put off. My mission for today was to cook up as many different recipes as I could, the vast majority of them were ones I had never made before!
Cooking Deana

Nook Milage achievement
In the process I got a Nook Mileage achievement for having made 30 food items! I still have a lot of unattempted recipes to try out but for now I will have to wait for all the farm produce to regrow.
Feeling really proud with my progress I decided to end my day with a little bit of diving. Diving for sea creatures is a great way to earn bells as some of the creatures can be very valuable! When I caught my first scallop a familiar face emerged from the depths... Pascal!
Pascal asks for a scallop

Pascal is a wise otter frequently found swimming around the island of Rainshine. If you are willing to share your scallops with him he will share some wisdom with you, so when he asked me for my scallop today of course I said yes! I quickly came to question that decision though as his life advice today regarded cooking...
Pascals daily wisdom

But what does that mean for all those recipes that I just made, maaan?
February 7, 2023

Today on the island, C.J. the local fishing guide was visiting. C.J. stops by frequently to check out the latest fishing news for his online following and he also buys fish for a great price. He has a tendency of getting a little in your face with his camera so I took some pictures of him to get back at him a bit.

As always I had to go greet my neighbours for the day. Peewee was working out near Resident Services, Dora was out on a leisurely walk, Cookie was doing some cleaning up in front of her home, and Axel was just enjoying a nice cup of tea.
Feb 7th

When I stopped in at Pecan's house she was doing a little bit of DIY crafting. I gave her some coconuts as a treat and she had something even more special to give me in return: her photo! This photo is truly a sign of how much we have bonded together as you wouldn't give a photo of yourself to just anyone, right?
pecans photo!!!.jpeg

Because I am such a mushy gushy sentimental kinda gal, I keep these photos of my dear friends on a special wall in my home. Whenever I am feeling down I can stop by and remember how loved I am and how much I love my friends too. The wall also serves as a lovely walk down memory lane for my neighbours who have since moved away from the island.
Deana shows off her collection of unique villager photos

I am extremely proud of my photo collection and what it represents. I can't wait for it to grow even more!
February 9, 2023

Started off the day with another beached bird situation. This time it was Gulliver (not Gullivarrr) washed up in front of the wind farm. I'm 99% sure these two birds are the same person but they seem to have no recollection of each other or any recollection of why they are constantly washing up here.
Washed up bird

I helped Gulliver out with his communicator parts so that he would not be stranded here for too long. He was grateful as always and also promised me a present in the mail.
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All of Gulliver's talk of the seas got me thinking a little bit... maybe I would also like to get out on the water and go on a little adventure too... so that's what I did next! I talked to Kapp'n at the dock and he agreed to take me out on a little boat tour for only 1000 Nook Miles.

The island Kapp'n brought me too was covered in camellia bushes, pansies, and carrots. The carrots ended up being just what I needed as I found a new recipe for salad washed up on the beach there!
Back at home on Rainshine I had even more good luck when it comes to learning new things. Cookie had another new DIY recipe for me! This time it was a festival-lantern set.
Deana learns to make salad!

Deana learns to make a festival-lantern set!

After a very busy day of helping people and learning lots of new things it was time to kick back and relax. I found myself a nice spot on a bench by the river where I could just chill for a while and enjoy a bit of warm February sun.
Feb 9.jpeg
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