Rare Villagers


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
Does this game still/have more rare villagers of certain animal species? I'm probably sure octopuses will be back but what about monkeys? Has anyone had them move in naturally?

P.S. I also found it weird one time in Wild World a frog villager told me to catch a frog for them... slavery.
Kolvo said:
Does this game still/have more rare villagers of certain animal species. I'm probably sure octopuses will be back but what about monkeys? Has anyone had them move in naturally?

P.S. I also found it wierd one time in Wild World a frog villager told me to catch a frog for them... slavery.
Kolvo said:
Does this game still/have more rare villagers of certain animal species? I'm probably sure octopuses will be back but what about monkeys? Has anyone had them move in naturally?

P.S. I also found it weird one time in Wild World a frog villager told me to catch a frog for them... slavery.
It has begun.......>.<
"I'm Champ, choo CHOO!" Birthday: June 4
"I'm Nana, po po!" (get th ice climbers reference? XD) Birthday: August 23
"I'm Simon, zzzook!" Birthday: January 19
"I'm Tammi, chimpy!" Birthday: April 1
"I'm Monty, g'tang!" Birthday: December 7
"I'm Elise, Puh-lease!" Birthday: March 21
And the moral of the story: No there isn't any rare villagers, unless they're villagers we don't know about yet.
Megamannt125 said:
"I'm Champ, choo CHOO!" Birthday: June 4
"I'm Nana, po po!" (get th ice climbers reference? XD) Birthday: August 23
"I'm Simon, zzzook!" Birthday: January 19
"I'm Tammi, chimpy!" Birthday: April 1
"I'm Monty, g'tang!" Birthday: December 7
"I'm Elise, Puh-lease!" Birthday: March 21
For some reason the first two remind me of monkey ball. Must be their corny sayings....o_O
coffeebean! said:
Megamannt125 said:
"I'm Champ, choo CHOO!" Birthday: June 4
"I'm Nana, po po!" (get th ice climbers reference? XD) Birthday: August 23
"I'm Simon, zzzook!" Birthday: January 19
"I'm Tammi, chimpy!" Birthday: April 1
"I'm Monty, g'tang!" Birthday: December 7
"I'm Elise, Puh-lease!" Birthday: March 21
For some reason the first two remind me of monkey ball. Must be their corny sayings....o_O
Elise is ugly
o_O In my opinion most of the monkeys are ugly.....ugh. They really need to make some cute pwnsome monkey....:p
coffeebean! said:
Megamannt125 said:
"I'm Champ, choo CHOO!" Birthday: June 4
"I'm Nana, po po!" (get th ice climbers reference? XD) Birthday: August 23
"I'm Simon, zzzook!" Birthday: January 19
"I'm Tammi, chimpy!" Birthday: April 1
"I'm Monty, g'tang!" Birthday: December 7
"I'm Elise, Puh-lease!" Birthday: March 21
For some reason the first two remind me of monkey ball. Must be their corny sayings....o_O
lol XD
coffeebean! said:
o_O In my opinion most of the monkeys are ugly.....ugh. They really need to make some cute pwnsome monkey....:p
no Champ is acutally kind of cute he looks like the train monkey in AC GC but without the conductor clothes
Oh really? I love Porter. Cutest monkey ever. xD

Well, I guess the apes are pretty ugly....*coughjanecough*
coffeebean! said:
Oh really? I love Porter. Cutest monkey ever. xD

Well, I guess the apes are pretty ugly....*coughjanecough*
Jane isnt in here the gorillas are
Cesar, Pewee, Boone, Al, and Violet
Violet is just... plain ugly. Lipsrick on a gorilla? No thanks.

But that's good monkeys aren't event villagers. I never got them on Wild World because I don't leave my house just for a game. I don't see how you can take the Wii with you to download things like the DS though. :p