cloud cruiser
so i've recently decided to take a small break from acnl and been getting back into pok?mon, especially moon..
...i've always been a huge breeder so i've got a bunch of rareball and HA's i'd be interested in trading/selling!
View attachment 229244
♥ each mon 2tbt each or traded for another rareball/HA (open to anything)!
♥ only currently able to trade via moon.
♥ please no hacked mons!
so i've recently decided to take a small break from acnl and been getting back into pok?mon, especially moon..
...i've always been a huge breeder so i've got a bunch of rareball and HA's i'd be interested in trading/selling!
View attachment 229244
♥ each mon 2tbt each or traded for another rareball/HA (open to anything)!
♥ only currently able to trade via moon.
♥ please no hacked mons!
-petilil (grass whistle, ingrain, worry seed, healing wish) -ralts (destiny bond, memento, encore, shadow sneak) -marill (superpower, aqua jet, belly drum, perish song) -vullaby (roost, foul play, mean look) -HA murkrow (feather dance, confuse ray, assurance, feint attack) -HA aipom (fake out) -HA slugma (heat wave, stockpile, memento, acid armor) -HA buneary (fake out, ice/fire punch, encore) -HA fomantis (fury cutter, giga drain, leaf storm) -HA cutiefly (moonblast, baton pass, speed swap, bestow) -HA eevee (curse, stored power, wish, yawn) -HA alolan vulpix (encore, freeze dry, moon blast, hypnosis) -feebas (hyponsis, haze, mirror coat, iron tail) -komala (play rough) -stufful (stomping tantrum, ice/thunder punch, mega kick) -mawile (sucker punch, thunder/ice/fire fang) -salandit (belch, knock off, fake out, snatch) -happiny (charm, gravity, counter, aromatherapy) -chinchou (amnesia, water pulse, mist, brine) -mareep (electric terrain, eerie impulse, agility, flatter) -minior - | ☆
-HA vulpix (hypnosis, power swap, feint attack, hex) -HA starly ( pursuit, double edge, mirror mover, feather dance) -HA swinub (icicle spear/crash, stealth rock, fissure) -phanpy (head smash, play rough, counter, ice shard) -honedge (swords dance, shadow sneak, destiny bond) - | ☆
-HA pyukumuku (bestow, tickle, venom drench, endure) -HA snivy (pursuit, mirror coat, glare, iron tail) -HA larvitar (outrage, stealth rock, iron head, dragon dance) -shroomish (drain punch, bullet seed, focus punch, seed bomb) -mimikyu (nightmare, curse, destiny bond, grudge) -shellos (counter, mirror coat, fissure, stockpile) -chikorita (heal pulse, counter, grassy terrain, leech seed) -HA exeggcute (synthesis, grassy terrain, giga drain, natural gift) - |
-ponyta (low kick, morning sun, horndrill, hypnosis) -meditite (bullet punch, quick guard, psycho cut, fake out) -wooper (mud sport, curse, recover) -HA gligar (feint, baton pass, poison tail, counter) -HA poliwag (encore, haze, water pulse, endeavor) -riolu (bullet punch, circle throw) -shinx (thunder/ice/fire fang, double kick) -litwick (acid armor, haze, clear smog, heat wave) -gastly (disable, psywave, perish song) -HA rockruff (crush claw, sucker punch, fire/thunder fang) -HA rufflet -trapinch - | ☆
-abra (skill swap, encore, knock off, barrier) - | ☆
-HA torkoal (eruption, flame burst, fissure, yawn) -HA pachirisu (fake tears, follow me, iron tail, ion deluge) -HA drilbur (skull bash, submission, rock climb) -HA gothita (mirror coat, uproar, heal pulse, miracle eye) -HA dratini (haze, aqua jet, dragon rush, extremespeed) -HA skitty (zen headbutt, sucker punch, last resort tickle) -HA snubull (charm, close combat, fire/thunder fang) -HA nidoran (peck, disable, counter, iron tail) -HA omanyte (withdraw, spikes, toxic spikes, muddy water) -HA qwilfish (aqua jet, flail, acid spray, water pulse) -HA aerodactyl (foresight, tailwind, wide guard, pursuit) -HA mudkip (curse, avalanche, ancient power, mirror coat) -HA karrablast (pursuit, knock off, megahorn, drill run) -HA chimchar (thunder/fire punch) -HA buneary (fake out, switcheroo, encore, cosmic power) -HA larvitar (outrage, stealth rock, iron head, dragon dance) -HA spiritomb (spite, shadow sneak, destiny bond, pain split) -HA cranidos (curse, hammer arm, iron head, crunch) -drifloon (destiny bond, weather ball, tailwin, hypnosis) -skorupi (feint attack, whirlwind, confuse ray, iron tail) -HA torchic (reversal, night slash, low kick, counter) -cherubi (morning sun, seed bomb, weather ball) -ralts (memento, destiny bond, shadow sneak, encore) -shuppet (confuse ray, disable, destiny bond, gunk shot) -HA glameow -HA munna - |
-bidoof (defense curl, rollout) -mudbray (magnitude, body slam, close combat, double-edge) -HA alolan sandshrew (counter, icicle crash/spear, amnesia) - | ☆
-duskull (feint attack, haze, pain spilt, skill swap) -aron (stealth rock, head smash, endeavor, iron head) - | ☆
-HA riolu (bullet punch, circle throw) - |
-feebas (mirror coat, haze, brine, hypnosis) -seel (horn drill, perish song, entrainment, disable) -HA heracross (pursuit, revenge, seismic toss, rock blast) -HA totodile (crunch, dragon dance, aqua jet, ice punch) - | ☆
-chespin (spikes, curse, quick guard, synthesis) - | ☆
soon! - |
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