Rate the Song Above You


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2012
Hello. :) I figured we could use more game threads so I've created this one. The rules are simple: you post a song (preferably with a YouTube video with it), and the person below you will rate how good they think the song is, and then say why they think that. They will then post their own song.


First poster:

Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine

Second poster:

9/10. Very catchy and upbeat; weird video, lol.

Lonely Boy by The Black Keys

And so on. Rate the videos out of ten, ten being the highest score. Feel free to comment on the video, too. I hope this catches on and I hope it is fun. :) I think it's a cool way to get to know other users' music tastes.

To start off, someone please rate the Black Keys video above. :)
Lonely Boy by The Black Keys

And so on. Rate the videos out of ten, ten being the highest score. Feel free to comment on the video, too. I hope this catches on and I hope it is fun. :) I think it's a cool way to get to know other users' music tastes.

To start off, someone please rate the Black Keys video above. :)
Better that I thought. 8/10

I've really been enjoying this one lately.
Lol, that was really cool. I really enjoyed watching that. 8/10

Since it is Ozzy Osbourne's birthday today, I will do a Black Sabbath song. :) My favorite Sabbath song, War Pigs:

The song is eight minutes long, so I don't blame you if you don't listen to the full song, lol (but you're missing out if you don't :p).
6/10. It's a good song, but not my style of music.

Pettidee's verse is sick. So much swag in this song.
I've heard of him, but never actually listened.
And I recognize Lecrae in there. He's great.

This song is a masterpiece.
Is it me or is that song very dirty? lol its quite catchy. 8/10

This is a cover im not sure if they are allowed but i like it more than the original so.

One More Night - Alex Goot & Friends (7 Youtuber Collab!)
7/10. Decent song, but not my style.

In general, I'm someone who can't pick favorites for anything, but They Might Be Giants is one of my favorite bands, and this is one of my favorite songs.
8/10. Not something that I would normally listen to, but the song and the video made me smile regardless :)

This song made me the Florence + the Machine addict that I am today :p
7/10. I've never really listened to much of Florence + The Machine, but that song was really good.

I know this is off topic, but I love Heavy Metal Lover. Lady Gaga is my guilty pleasure. :p

This is my absolute favorite band. If you haven't heard of them, go check them out. They're the nicest people I've ever met & their music is pretty awesome, too. ;)
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7/10. It was good, but it wasn't really that unique (compared to similar music) and nothing stood out much, to me.

"Little Lover's So Polite" by Silversun Pickups

I really love the feedback from the guitars in this song; it has a sort of scratchy, fuzzy sound that makes it sound very real and raw.
7/10 Just because it wasn't all that engaging for me. It's not all that bad though :)

Haven't listened to this song for a while :p
I like to listen to it when I'm feeling self-conscious. It's a cute song.
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