We need a rating system for people in general. Like, say you think someone is really nice and sweet, you could give them a good rating. Might be good for when they're picking out mods. It'd be our community's way of handpicking who we want to represent us.
Why, thank youHey, that's actually a really good idea ^_^
We need a rating system for people in general. Like, say you think someone is really nice and sweet, then you'd give them a good rating. Though, if they're a jerks or troll, give them a bad rating. Might be good for when they're picking out mods. It'd be our community's way of handpicking who we want to represent us.
We need a rating system for people in general. Like, say you think someone is really nice and sweet, then you'd give them a good rating. Though, if they're a jerks or troll, give them a bad rating. Might be good for when they're picking out mods. It'd be our community's way of handpicking who we want to represent us.
We need a rating system for people in general. Like, say you think someone is really nice and sweet, then you'd give them a good rating. Though, if they're a jerks or troll, give them a bad rating. Might be good for when they're picking out mods. It'd be our community's way of handpicking who we want to represent us.
You're joking, right?What kind of Orwellian society do you want us to live in?
We need a rating system for people in general. Like, say you think someone is really nice and sweet, then you'd give them a good rating. Though, if they're a jerks or troll, give them a bad rating. Might be good for when they're picking out mods. It'd be our community's way of handpicking who we want to represent us.
I'd want to agree but the thing is people have different intentions/impressions and can be prone to bias. I'm not saying it's a bad idea because I think your intention is good, but a lot of people unfortunately take advantage of their popularity. Most of the time, it leads to egos inflating and questionable behavior (i.e. bullying) to happen. I've seen this happen on different forums. x_x
Well it probably wouldn't be any different to how popularity currently works here. We'd just have a visual representation to show it. Though, i do agree that popularity does certainly corrupt people. Ive seen enough of it here on these very forums.
We need a rating system for people in general. Like, say you think someone is really nice and sweet, then you'd give them a good rating. Though, if they're a jerks or troll, give them a bad rating. Might be good for when they're picking out mods. It'd be our community's way of handpicking who we want to represent us.
I think any kind of popularity system would be quickly shot down by the staff. It creates cliques, bullying, and toxicity among users.