[RE-Opening] Rois's Trainer Card Shop

Rois Athyrrei

Elesa's #1 Fan
Aug 15, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Green Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
0% (0) +
*As you walk through the TBT Marketplace, you spot an old shop which had long since closed, a totally new look and a new sign hanging above it saying "Rois's Trainer Card Shop!" You look in the window to see walls of trainer cards and a clean looking building, trembling as curiousity takes you over you enter the shop and come face to face with a woman dressed like Elesa but with shimmering golden eyes, she quickly begins to speak before you can open your mouth to respond*

Rois; Ooooo~ A Customer! Welcome back, or maybe welcome for your first time? Either way~ I make Pok?mon Trainer Cards for just a few TBT bells~! Come Come! Don't be shy I've done a few in my past and I'm sure we can work out an arrangement.

(Yourself); Can't I just go to another site for FREE to get a card? Or maybe do it myself?

Rois; *She pulls a shocked face, freezing up comically for several seconds, a long gasp escaping her lips before she regains her posture* My god! How can you say that? Another site will not give you the choice I offer, I will give you an UNIQUE card with much more than they can offer and why make yourself a card when I can do it quickly and with quality~?

*Rois motions to a sign, upon inspection the sign appears to show a price list*

~Rois's Trainer Cards~

All prices are accumulating, this means you begin with the basic package and you can select 'add-ons' at a greater cost. If you want an edit/recolor done PLEASE try to explain what you want clearly and if possible give examples of what you would desire!

~Basic Package; Trainer Card with a Front and Back (Basic). Includes a name, Trainer ID, Game Version, Non-Edited Pok?mon and a Non-edited Sprite. Also comes with Badges from any region.} 50 Bells.

~Add ons;
Custom Trainer Card; This will give you a custom designed card with any picture (SFW) on the background and even a different layout if wanted.} +25 Bells
Extra Panel; This will give you an extra 3rd part to your card. Giving room for extra details such as location, Trainer type and a Motto!} +12Bells
Recolored Trainer Sprite; This will give you a recolored Trainer Sprite, this will also allow minor cosmetic changes (e.g. slightly different hair style, a gang emblem on the trainer). } +10 Bells
Edited Trainer Sprite; This will give you a completely edited Trainer Sprite. Make sure to give a clear description of what is wanted!} +35Bells
Recolored Pok?mon Sprites; This will give you recolored Pok?mon following the Trainer Sprite recolor rules (NOTE: This isn't needed if you want to put regular shiny Pok?mon on).} +40 Bells
Edited Pok?mon Sprites; This will give you an edited Pok?mon sprite (Most likely a "Morph" or Combination of several). I CANNOT make brand new Pok?mon... Yet...} +60 Bells

*Finishing reading you are quickly tugged a long by Rois who motions at a wall of examples, smiling*

Rois; This is my work ja? Take a look before you order to gain an idea of what you want!













*As you look at the examples Rois quickly stops you mid flow, a slightly stern look on her face*

Rois; Lastly! You must check my slots! I cannot do too many at once for I am just one person~ Make sure to check I am free before you go ordering!

Slot 1: FREE!
Slot 2: FREE!
Slot 3: FREE!

*She sighs with a smile seeing you read the slot list, pushing a sheet of paper toward you*

Rois; Now darling~ IF you'd just fill out this form for me then I can get to work!

Trainer Name wanted (Max 13letters):
Pok?mon Game version:
Package Wanted:
Trainer Sprite wanted (Add info of edits/recolors if applicable):
Pok?mon wanted (Add info of edits/recolors if applicable):
Extra info Wanted (If applicable):

*Giving a final smile she opened her arms up*

Rois; Thanks for Visitin'! Do make an Order and enjoy~
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