Real girls love nature!

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Sep 6, 2018
I can't believe it!

A woman like this can not exist!

A real girl would find this gross!

and prefer this!

A real girl would not vote for a politician if he is mean!

A real girl would hate wars and imperialism and guns!

How can someone so beautiful be so hateful and violent?
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hate to break it to you, but the idea that anyone not following a set ideal isn't "really x thing" is honestly disgusting gatekeeping that serves no good purpose

the beliefs showcased by her are disgustingly undeniably evil, but her gender identity has nothing to do with it

(anyways, I'm not even sure this warrants a thread, but w/e. guess we'll see how it goes)
Real people have different opinions from one another. That, and beauty does not stop someone from being cold. As Lambda said, there is no set idea system for people.
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also, as an addendum, it's also used to deny accountability for unwanted things

ex: religion's inability to deal with their systems' own internal problems. far easier and more comforting to just deny this part of x thing than to admit that there's issues with it that need addressing

so, yeah. not a good look either way
Last edited: the point of this thread? (r/gatekeeping anyone?) People have different opinions on what is beautiful. Even so, I don't think beauty has anything to do with this thread but more with Politics.

Edit: Also, this thread lacks discussion value.
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This can't be correct.

I was under the understanding that in order to be a real girl, you must mercilessly butcher your enemies and wear their skin as a cloak...Yet apparently it's decided by who you vote for.
Um;;, I agree with everyone here.. what makes any ?real? girl, ?real?, is that they completely or somewhat/partially identify with being a girl, regardless of their interests or what they love.

This can't be correct.

I was under the understanding that in order to be a real girl, you must mercilessly butcher your enemies and wear their skin as a cloak...Yet apparently it's decided by who you vote for.

Also this.
This is brilliant. xD
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