Really good day today


Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel great about everything. I was relaxing earlier thinking of how my life has been going, and I realized how happy I was with everything, I had tears in my eyes I felt so happy.

I wouldn't have my life any other way!
Minoranza said:
Opposite for me.

:eek: cheer up a little, look at the bright side of life.

I can't believe I had put "ood" instead of "day" in the tile...what a weird mix-up...
My life's been full of suck for so long, it's almost not soul-crushing anymore.

But at any rate, I'm happy for you, Sporge. I hope that everything continues to go well for you, man.

:) I'm sure you deserve it.
KatzMotel said:
My life's been full of suck for so long, it's almost not soul-crushing anymore.

But at any rate, I'm happy for you, Sporge. I hope that everything continues to go well for you, man.

:) I'm sure you deserve it.
Actually I have been kinda mood swingy lately...Friday I was pretty horridly depressed, of course I was feeling like throwing up on my birthday, but still. Had a great weekend and ran into some old friends when I didn't expect to.

I hope things turn up for you, if it weren't for the lows in life there would be no highs.
My day's good so far...

I got a 95 on notecards I thought I would bomb.
I got 102% on a Math Test.
My dad and sister have soccer practice today, and my mom's in New Orleans, so... PARTY!!!
Glad your life it going well. As for me I'm felling horrible. My stomach is churning like a blender and I'm nowhere close to being able to eat anything without going to the bathroom. :gyroidpuke:
yeah but noyt much thats actulay pretty rare i do somedays reminisce about my childhood and how cruekl and selfish I was and apologize to my parents
SPORGE27 said:
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel great about everything. I was relaxing earlier thinking of how my life has been going, and I realized how happy I was with everything, I had tears in my eyes I felt so happy.

I wouldn't have my life any other way!
My day has one good so ar got to play the wii at game stop.Got to play the wii at game stop was hard and fun.
SPORGE27 said:
:huh: Everyone seems to have had a gloomy day but me

My day wasn't gloomy, it was just gloomy outside. My day was fine (besides the braces), but when you looked outside it was really gloomy.
DarthGohan1 said:
SPORGE27 said:
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel great about everything. I was relaxing earlier thinking of how my life has been going, and I realized how happy I was with everything, I had tears in my eyes I felt so happy.

I wouldn't have my life any other way!
no that was more like Saturday night.....but I'd rather not discuss that here... :lol:
Sporge, I'm happy for you. Really appreciate the good days, because, in my experience, the very next day might be not so good. Or, even deeper into my case, the rest of part of my life was not so good. Things have definately not been going the way I would have hoped, and I pray that my luck will change, but I will not drag you down. Good for you, and as Kaz said, you probably do deserve it. I hope your whole future turns out this good as well. :yes:
I sometimes have those days, I just wish they happened more often. But usually, my life is generally great- I get what I want, my parents and siblings are awesome, I'm in sports, I have friends and I'm popular.. Everything's always going pretty good.