Pokémon Reasons to buy Sun&Moon?


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
I'm really scared of getting the new game and being disappointed, I liked X&Y as I played it, but afterwards I realized it had been a kinda disappointing experience, I didn't care about the story at all and there wasn't a lot of new pokemons that became favorites of mine, so far i havent been excited about a lot of the new pokemon, nor does the story or even the new graphics entice me, how is your peoples experience with the game so far? is there others who were disapointed with x&y?
Well how much of the story do you know about? Sun and Moon easily have the best story out of all the games in my opinion, coming from someone who has been playing the games for ~10 years. If not the best it definitely surpasses X and Y's story by a huge margin. The OST is pretty amazing as well, and the games include quite a bit of Pok?mon from older generations (that aren't Alolan forms) such as Metagross and Gengar. The amount of love and care that they put into these games is also very apparent as soon as you start out your adventure, and there were a lot of little things that were changed/added that just made the experience slightly more enjoyable to me.

While there were a few things that I wished they could have done differently, none of them has anything to do with the story. I'm actually debating on whether or not Sun and Moon beat Platinum as my favorite Pok?mon game of all time, but they definitely come close to being my favorite if not.
Pokemon Sun and Moon are eons above pokemon X and Y. If you're into subtle details, you can take into account the new animations, idle movements, how there's a small jerking motion when your character stops running or moves from a run to a walk. If you're into bigger details, there are a lot more pokemon, and it reminds me a lot of the first generation without being too much of a throwback. There's just enough there to feel nostalgia without them pushing it too far, I literally fangirled over there being a representation of the nugget bridge. It's kind of story heavy but the story is good, especially by Pokemon's standards. This game is definitely worth all the hype people were giving it, my only pet peeve is the fact that you only get one of certain stones, (ice stone, sun stone, and moon stone) and have to play through poke pelago to find more, or get another copy of the game and play through that to get another one. It makes it hard to fill the Pokedex if you aren't willing to trade too much.

Even if the new pokemon shown haven't enticed you, there are quite a few hiding that may become favorites once you look into them more. Pokemon like Dewpider and Mareanie come to mind, they weren't shown in trailers and haven't really caught much attention from fans, though they have quite amazing designs. If you still don't like many of the new pokemon, don't worry, gen 1 through 6 pokemon are available from pretty early on in the game. You can even catch Magnemite on route 1, as well as Pichu, caterpie, etc. There are plenty of other things I could point out, like the Festival Plaza and such, but I'd rather leave that for you to explore, after all, a game is no fun if you're spoiled about everything!
I really disliked X/Y, I tried playing it and put in some good time on it but it never hooked me, I found it really boring and repetitive and the story wasn't really like... even a story?

But...I LOVE Sun/Moon, I have Moon and I am hooked in deep, I have loved every bit of it, I love the Refresh/Care thing, and how they basically have a "Pokesnap" mini-game and a REALLY EASY WAY TO GET MONEY once you finished the 2nd island, which is super helpful when you're trying to catch everything but still want to buy all the cute clothes in the stores. XD I love the ride on features how it's not something where you have to get the actual pokemon and the HM for. I like the "call for help" instead of groups, I HATED THE GROUPS IN X/Y OML like really really hated. I seriously love everything about it so far, I'm only on the third Island but I really love it so far, been playing it non-stop when I'm not at work XD

I think it's worth it, especially if you have someone getting the other game so you can trade what you can't get in your version, all in all I think it's an overall better game all around than X/Y, so much more entertaining, and I really enjoy the story.
The posts above me are very true. They made such small improvements to the game and if your into stories in pokemon, Sun and moon is great. When thinking back to XY, Sun and Moon is so so so much better. Honestly I haven't had this kind of fun when playing pokemon I'm a awhile, much of the previous ones I just played because they were pokemon, but this feels more like an actual full fledged rpg.
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