Recicle Bin


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2009
Do your grass grows faster or do you get more flowers if you have much items in the bin?
I thought so because the items get recicled.
Recicle bin?
Recycle bin I'm sure you mean xD

But anyway, It'd be good but I doubt it.
It'd make the game seem much more realistic.
No because you already only grow a certain number of flowers each day
I don't really think the recycle bin has a point, except getting rid of items, but still, Nook can do that. It is probably there for a 24/7 rubbish bin. It doesn't affect grass growth, or get flowers. You can only get a flower a day.
thekillingdog said:
I don't really think the recycle bin has a point, except getting rid of items, but still, Nook can do that. It is probably there for a 24/7 rubbish bin. It doesn't affect grass growth, or get flowers. You can only get a flower a day.
Probably for things like sabers, Nintendo obviously realized something like that would happen.
naah it won't affect your grass-growing-pace
and don't complain about spelling guys, it's annoying and not necessary >_>