• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Mafia Redd's Revenge - Sign-Up Thread [CLOSED]


Something or Other
Jun 2, 2023
Throwback Tickets
Galaxy Cupcake
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Yellow Star Fragment
Galaxy Easter Egg
Yellow Star Fragment
Space Whale Plush
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Opalescent Crystal
Signups have closed as of Tuesday, June 11th at 2PM EST.

Redd's Revenge Main.jpg

Somewhere on a distant island, the wealthy businessman Tom Nook has made a great fortune off distributing loans to his fellow homeowners to maintain their houses, belongings and public facilities. On one fateful night, however, Tom Nook suddenly vanishes from his office in Resident Services. At the same time, a string of home burglaries have occurred all around the island, and several innocent villagers have even been reported missing. These criminals are smart and stealthy - they hide among the populace during the day, and perform their acts nightly; leaving crime scenes without a trace. Isabelle suspects that a jealous Redd is behind all this, and quickly enacts an emergency plan to try and bust his gang in their tracks. As there is no police force present on the island, the residents have to talk it amongst themselves to figure out who is a wolf at the expense of potential island exile and burned DAL visas.

  • The minimum player count needed for this game is 10. There is no maximum limit; the game is open to all users regardless of past experience.
  • All roles and their amounts will be posted at the start of the game. They are not indicative of player experience or personality.
    • Alignments and roles are chosen via random number generator. You are not guaranteed to get the alignment or role you want.
    • When the game begins, you will receive a PM explaining your alignment and role.
    • There are three standard power roles for both alignments (Detective/Watcher/Doctor; Godfather/Framer/Role-Blocker; names of roles will be changed once the game begins) with one target per night. There are also two special town roles that will be assigned to random vanilla villagers that can affect both mafia and town depending on the target. The special roles can only be used once for the entire game.
  • Days are 48 hours long; nights are 24 hours. Phases will start and end at 7pm EST. When player amounts dwindle, days may be shortened as the host (TN4U) sees fit. You are NOT ALLOWED to post at night.
  • Only members of Redd's Gang (mafia) are allowed to directly communicate with each other outside the game thread. A private Discord server will be created, and will be made public after conclusion of the game. If you're randomly chosen as a criminal, it is highly recommended that you make a free Discord account if you don't have one already.
  • Voting goes by plurality (the player with the most votes at the end of each day is exiled).
    • You may choose to not exile anyone. Just make sure to state so when voting.
    • You may not vote for yourself.
    • In the case of a tie, elimination is determined at random.
    • Everyone MUST place one vote/post per game day. If a player doesn't vote for two consecutive game days, they will be mod-killed for inactivity.
  • Unsure if you want to play? You may sign up to be a replacement player in case someone breaks rules or must leave the game. Please note that doing this does not guarantee you a spot in the game later on.
    • Replacement players will be chosen based off how early they signed up.
    • After the start of the 3rd day, any remaining replacement slots will automatically be mod-killed. Please notify me via PM if you must leave the game for any reason.
  • The words "scum" and "lynch" are banned from being uttered, as well as expletives that are censored either automatically by the forum or intentionally by users. Offenders will be given one warning. A repeat offense will result in a mod-kill.
  • SPECIAL GAME NOTE: Due to the nature of the game's premise, town members eliminated by mafia will be kidnapped instead of killed.


Are you interested in playing? If so, please copy the format, fill it out, and post in this thread...

Participant or Replacement:
Preferred Villager Personality:

The personalities you can choose from include Lazy, Jock, Smug, Cranky, Peppy, Normal, Snooty and Sisterly. Pick only one.

A random villager from the personality you choose will be assigned to represent you in the game. Certain villagers that visually resemble either alignment heavily will not be used (such as Kid Cat, Agent S, Big Top, Rocket, Knox, Sterling, Snake, Ken, Rasher, Stinky, etc). If there is a specific villager from your preferred personality that you DO NOT want, please state so in your post. I will make a note to not assign you that villager. If you don't pick a personality, a completely random villager will be assigned to you regardless of gender.​


1. @shellbell [she/her] (Lazy)
2. @Damniel [he/him] (Jock)
3. @lily2816 (Sisterly)
4. @ribbitribbon [he/she] (Sisterly)
5. @Dinosaur [she/her] (Cranky)
6. @tisABongo [he/him] (Lazy)
7. @Doo [she/her] (Peppy)
8. @BetsySundrop (Peppy)
9. @N e s s [he/him] (Smug)


1. @voltairenism [any pronoun] (Cranky)
2. @FrostyAlmonds [she/her] (Normal)​


Cheating includes (but is not limited to):

1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information (i.e. a detective's results).

2. Ruining the game by doing something like handing out your mafia's member list to the town.

3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.

4. Comparing role PM timings to try and work out roles.

5. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host without permission.

6. Getting yourself mod-killed to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.

7. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.

8. Offering favors/items/bells outside of the game for in-game information.

9. Sharing accounts with other players.

10. Breadcrumbing the specific phrasing of your role PM. Do not compare the phrasing in your role PM to prove your alignment. You can claim the abilities you have, but you can't use the specific phrasing of your role PM.

11. Posting a false PM phrased as if you received it from the host. You can still fake role-claim, but you cannot make it look like you are posting a PM you received from the host.



You must contribute one substantial post at least once every two day phases. This means that if you only make one post, it needs to be more substantial than simply saying "I agree" or "RIP". If you post multiple times, this rule may may be less strict. Please be on your best behavior during this game to avoid being banned.


Editing is not allowed under any normal circumstances and can only be done under the orders of TBT staff. Unapproved editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be mod-killed.

Inappropriate posts

Mafia games can get heated and emotional. Please keep it civil and remember that what happens in Mafia stays in Mafia.

Play to win

You should try your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game.

The Bell Tree Rules and Guidelines

All players must comply with the rules and guidelines of the larger TBT forum. TBT moderators can step in at any time if forum rules have been broken. For more information please see the rules and guidelines thread. Furthermore, the Cellar has its own specific rules and guidelines that you should read here before playing the game. For any questions and concerns please contact a staff member.
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i’ll do a replacement!

Username: ribbitribbon
Pronouns: he/she
Participant or Replacement: replacement
Preferred Villager Personality: sisterly
Username: shellbell (you can call me shell)
Pronouns: she/her
Participant or Replacement: participant
Preferred Villager Personality: lazy! but i guess those are reserved for boys : (
so i’ll go with normal
Username: shellbell (you can call me shell)
Pronouns: she/her
Participant or Replacement: participant
Preferred Villager Personality: lazy! but i guess those are reserved for boys : (
so i’ll go with normal
You're not required to match your preferred personality with your own gender! Most of the players will likely refer to you by your username anyways. I'll put you down as normal preferred for now; let me know if you want a lazy villager representing you instead!
You're not required to match your preferred personality with your own gender! Most of the players will likely refer to you by your username anyways. I'll put you down as normal preferred for now; let me know if you want a lazy villager representing you instead!
ooo then lazy plz :3
Username: Damniel
Pronouns: He/Him
Participant or Replacement: Participant
Preferred Villager Personality: Jock
Username: voltairenism
Pronouns: any
Participant or Replacement: replacement
Preferred Villager Personality: cranky
There is still about a week left to sign up! The game will begin on June 8th, so if you're interested, sign up now so you don't forget later!
Username: lily2816
Participant or Replacement: participant
Preferred Villager Personality:
Username : tisABongo
Pronouns : He/Him
Participant or Replacement : Participant
Preferred Villager Personality : Lazy
I added a small note above regarding not specifying a preferred villager personality:
If you don't pick a personality, a completely random villager will be assigned to you regardless of gender.
@lily2816 , I currently have a random sisterly villager representing you, which will be revealed after sign-ups close. Do you want to stick with the sisterly villager or want one from a different personality?
Hii, as mentioned in pm, I'm signing up to hit numbers and help make this happen. ❤️ If we get 10+ players please shove me to the very end of the sub list/'go directly to grave chat' card me.

Username: FrostyAlmonds
Pronouns: She/her but I'm not fussed so you can use any
Participant or Replacement: Whatever the game needs
Preferred Villager Personality: I'll take whatever personality isn't on the list by the end of signups (so atm between normal, snooty and smug) If all 8 get repped I will come back and pick one. 🫡
Hii, as mentioned in pm, I'm signing up to hit numbers and help make this happen. ❤️ If we get 10+ players please shove me to the very end of the sub list/'go directly to grave chat' card me.

Username: FrostyAlmonds
Pronouns: She/her but I'm not fussed so you can use any
Participant or Replacement: Whatever the game needs
Preferred Villager Personality: I'll take whatever personality isn't on the list by the end of signups (so atm between normal, snooty and smug) If all 8 get repped I will come back and pick one. 🫡
There can be players with the same personalities. I'll put you down as normal preferred for right now, but let me know if you want a different personality instead.
There is just over a day left to sign up! We still need a few more players, and I want to try and avoid pulling in the replacement players to fill those spots if I can!

I may start pushing back the sign-up deadline on a day-by-day basis until we get at least two more players. I will notify everyone if that will occur.