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Regretting my town map... If I restart


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Will I lose my street passes? I have a full lot due to the Animal Crossing Canada meet ups.

My Re-Tail is on the other side of the map from the dock, and running back and forth to sell my bugs/fish is not fun.
I mean, I could transfer most of my bells/items to my girlfriend's game. I just don't want to lose that huge catalog of street pass.
It's up to you really..but I was kind of having the same feelings, but..it's really not worth it in the end, all of those hours going to waste.
Will I lose my street passes? I have a full lot due to the Animal Crossing Canada meet ups.

My Re-Tail is on the other side of the map from the dock, and running back and forth to sell my bugs/fish is not fun.
I mean, I could transfer most of my bells/items to my girlfriend's game. I just don't want to lose that huge catalog of street pass.

You won't lose the Street Passes on your 3DS, but you will lose the houses you've gained thanks to Street Pass if you reset your game. You'll have an empty lot until you Street Pass people with the game again.
I wouldn't restart just because you don't like the position of the re-tail. That's no biggie. Build a bridge to help get to it faster or something, but restarting for that only seems a little silly.
I wouldn't restart. After playing a while I realise my map is not the most convenient but after putting in so much effort for the museum and planting fruit trees etc I don't want to loose all that progress.
Yeah, I guess you guys are right ^^

I'll just keep on trucking :D

As for the bridge, those are already built. I guess I'm just a little jealous of my girlfriend's retail being right next to the docks.
I never got people's obsession w/ wanting retail right by the dock. It literally takes like 7 extra seconds of running to get further north. And on the contrary, its more convenient if you need to run back and forth selling stuff you cataloged from nook's/able's or fossils.

My retail is where some people would consider "the worst location possible" but it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I like having the beach acres free of buildings. I agree that you should stick w/ your town.
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I never got people's obsession w/ wanting retail right by the dock. It literally takes like 7 extra seconds of running to get further north. And on the contrary, its more convenient if you need to run back and forth selling stuff you cataloged from nook's/able's or fossils.

My retail is where some people would consider "the worst location possible" but it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I like having the beach acres free of buildings. I agree that you should stick w/ your town.

this, if you have time to play then you have time to walk a few extra seconds
My Retail is close to Main street, which some people would think is bad since it's a bit far from the dock... but I don't mind. :) It's literally a few extra seconds.
Thank god some one else is against these stupid "should I restart" threads.
They're totally unnecessary!

FYI, I wasn't asking if I should restart. If you bothered to read the OP instead of dismissing it as, "another stupid thread" you would know that I was deciding based on whether or not I would lose my streetpassed towns. I would think that would be a valid question not knowing where or how AC stores it's streetpass data, whether it be in the town data or extra data on the memory card.
I agree with others. A few extra seconds isn't bad. Also, all those street passes probably contain tiny small homes. Because all those players have just started. If I remember correctly, you have to re-pass someone to update their house
I wouldn't restart just because you don't like the position of the re-tail. That's no biggie. Build a bridge to help get to it faster or something, but restarting for that only seems a little silly.

If the Game let's you build a bridge, where you want it to be! My House is near Re-Tail, and i wanted to build a bridge near my house (and it's the only spot where it really makes sense, because the original bridge is pretty much centered). I'm not able to build the Bridge close to my house.

I'm really torn too, because my house is between two larger/wider areas of the river. It really annoys me.
My Retail is close to Main street, which some people would think is bad since it's a bit far from the dock... but I don't mind. :) It's literally a few extra seconds.

Mine is right there, as well. I like it, because I can run across to Main Street, let Blathers take what he wants, then stop off at Re-Tail to sell the rest. Then I can head back into town to do errands and whatnot. I'm a lot less likely to sell that one fish/bug I only have one of before I've made a museum donation.
FYI, I wasn't asking if I should restart. If you bothered to read the OP instead of dismissing it as, "another stupid thread" you would know that I was deciding based on whether or not I would lose my streetpassed towns. I would think that would be a valid question not knowing where or how AC stores it's streetpass data, whether it be in the town data or extra data on the memory card.

So you decided to make a whole new thread for a question which could of been googled, or even asked in the "New leaf questions" thread? If you had bothered to look around on the forum for an extra few seconds to actually find a thread then you wouldn't of had to make a spam thread. Logic right there for ya!
Wouldn't consider it spam if the thread is being used by many others to further discuss the topic, be it map placement and street passing.

Are we really arguing over such a trivial topic? If such threads were so stupid then I suggest to refrain from posting so the thread dies. It's not like I am bumping it ferociously to spite you.

Jarred's hate aside, my streetpassed homes are quite large with plenty of things to choose from. I'm not sure if they time traveled or just collected from other street passers. All 3 of my lots are full so I had to go through the homes to favorite the ones I wanted to keep.
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So you decided to make a whole new thread for a question which could of been googled, or even asked in the "New leaf questions" thread? If you had bothered to look around on the forum for an extra few seconds to actually find a thread then you wouldn't of had to make a spam thread. Logic right there for ya!

While this may be true, this post is definitely unneeded. Here at TBT we try to prevent flame wars before they even spark, and this post here, is a spark. But this is just a warning, so try to not let it happen again! If you ever feel the need to call someone out, rethink and if you decide to continue, please do so in a private message! Thanks :)