Regular players? And fruit 'buddy'


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2013
New Horizons Token
98.5% (64) +

Just looking to see if there's anyone here who plays regularly and has their gate open a lot? Maybe wit T&T Emporium? I have everything except Katrina on Main Street but I'm only on Super T&T at the moment, so my town isn't that interesting. Basically I'm looking for someone who I could regularly visit? I just get a bit bored sometimes and want someone I can hang out with and somewhere I can shop haha. I can open my gate for you too if you like, but like I said my town isn't great.

Also is there someone who plays regularly who's native fruit isn't orange, so I can come and sell my perfect oranges at your town? And of course I'll do the same so you can sell at mine!

Post or PM me if you're interested and we can add each other!

AmyJo :)
I don't have t&t emporium but perfect oranges are the item my re-tail is looking for. If you'd like to stop by and sell you're welcome to. c: i don't have bellboom though.
You can add me. I'm on pretty frequently and I try to keep wifi on. If we add each other as best friends we could also then message each other to open gate or come over, etc. My fruit is peaches, and I do have bell boom.
you can add me if you want to. I'm on a lot at the moment and I usually try to have my gates open. My local fruit is apples and I just activated bell boom in my town as well (I don't have T&T Emporium though) :)
Cool! Sorry for the late reply! I'll add all you guys! :)