Relive Festivale! Gates open at 0930 Today!!!


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2012
Yellow Candy
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (94) +
I had to restart my game and decided to go back in time by a month so that I could catch all the winter bugs/ fish. Which means I will also get to relive some holidays.

Next Saturday I will be keeping my gates open from 9am to 8pm to let whoever wants to come over and enjoy Festivale enjoy the holiday. I, myself, will be in and out during the day

If you want to come over and catch feathers leave a post below with your friend code and I'll register you. My own friend code is in my profile. The town name is Chocobo ( チョコボ) name Rei (レイ)

Only thing I ask is that you try to not trample any flowers or chop down any trees and other mayhem.
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Just a bump as a reminder that I will be opening gates on Saturday, There is a time change though: starting will be at about 4pm EST until I go to bed (probably 11-12pm).
I won't be able to come now. :c I'll be in another town around 4-5pm EST and I don't know how long I'll be there for.
Sorry. ;_;

I'll be there. 8D Change of plans...
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And, changes again...

Sorry for the flip flopping! But I am home earlier than expected after taking an exam yesterday (since I live in the boonies, I had to drive 3 hours to the testing center.)

But now that the test is done, it's time for FESTIVALE!!!

Well, after I go the gym anyways...

Gates will be opening at 0930 and staying open most of the day. Caught feathers will be on the ground around the town tree. Feel free to take which ones you need, just replace them with ones that you don't so that I or others can grab them and use them.

There are also a few spare outfits near the train station that are also up for grabs.

Hope to see some of you guys there! I'll be a bit in and out as I've chores around my house. But my 3DS will be plugged into the wall so no worries about power outs.
And I'm open! Currently in the shower after gym, but feel free to come on over!
nevermind, thought this was accf
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and sorry: I passed out in the other room (didn't get much sleep last night...) Yes, I can re-open and I should be more awake for the rest of the day, as well.

Would you mind if I came over for a bit?

I recently had to restart as well, so I'd love to come catch some feathers and celebrate!

My FC is 4098-2727-0685
(My character is now named Aibou, and my town is Hikari).

I'd be over around 5 p.m. -ish.

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Thanks again for having me over! It was a lot of fun. ^^
Thanks for coming over! And I'm going to close my gates: the weather is beautiful outside and family is off for a walk!