Reminder App Suggestions?


The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
I don't know where I should put this, since it's not really gaming related I don't think it belongs in that thread, so I'll put it here...

So anyways, I am looking for a good reminder app for my phone, I am horrible at remembering things that I need to do, like taking pills, drinking water, brushing my teeth, etc. (Thanks ADHD...) I remember seeing a suggestion for one on Facebook a while ago but can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

I want one that you can put all kinds of stuff on, so you can schedule things for specific dates/times(like appointments/meetings), as well as have like daily reminders, or every so many hours it will remind me to do something, and then things that will be like monthly or whatever, I just want it to be able to tell me to do everything so I can stop being a swamp monster and take better care of myself. X.X

I know I can use my calendar and alarms and stuff but I want something that is all inclusive where I can stick in everything, and like, it would be nice if it was cute/aesthetically pleasing, the one on Facebook had a little chicken that pops up to remind you or something, which was cute. And if it has like a noise it makes when it send the notification as well that'd be rad, not like a full alarm noise but just like a little noise so I wont miss the notification and not do the thing I need to do.

So if you have any suggestions please let me know! Tell me what you like about it and stuff.

Thanks in advance!
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what phone do you have? when i had an Android phone i used TimeTune. it's pretty much a simple routine/management app that keeps track of your routines, when you do it and how many times you've done them. you can put tags on them, view statistics and set reminders, plus the interface is easy to use and nice to look at. i don't use it anymore but i remember it being really helpful.

i have an iphone now though so i use Habitica. it's a routine app mixed with a game of sorts where you can level up the more you do stuff. you can put in your daily routines, habits (good and bad ones), a to do list. but since it's a game it encourages you to keep doing your routines so you can level up, get rewards, etc. you lose health though if you skip/miss them, but you can deactivate them for a while if you're feeling overwhelmed. you can also chat with other people who use the app there, and take on certain challenges if you're feeling up to it.

do keep in mind these are the only two apps i've ever used when it comes to this stuff, but i've never had a problem with them and they've really helped me a lot.
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I have an Android phone, I'll give Habitica a try as it is available on play store as well. Thanks for the suggestions