Report Cards :D


Retired Staff
Dec 19, 2004
They just arrived.

I'll be scanning them so everyone can see em later.

So, when is your report cards coming?
Well since I'm not in High School yet, and get a report card every quarter instaed of Eighth, Not till November 17th.

We got Mid-quarters though and I have all A's. :gyroidgrin:
I haven't finished all of my assignments for this quarter yet, but looking at all of my grades now, it comes to around 95...
As I'm the person who stares in blank voids, you'll know my grades. :gyroidtongue:
Super_Naruto said:
Progress reports are coming out. I have 4 A's 4 A+'s.
What do you mean by that? It means that you're taking 8 classes, right? Or...?
A couple weeks ago we got progress reports and i got A's and B's next week we get Report Cards and I have done god except maybe in Spanish cause today we had to draw monsters and deescribe them in spanish and well I didnt finsh and never turned them in so yea...

hmmmmmmmmm....thats wierd we didn't get our report card today.....but I have a feeling that I have A and B! :yes:
Bulerias said:
Super_Naruto said:
Progress reports are coming out. I have 4 A's 4 A+'s.
What do you mean by that? It means that you're taking 8 classes, right? Or...?
Progress Reports means mid term.

And if you're talking about the total of 8 classes, yes it is 8 classes.

Algebra, History, Science, Language Arts, Gym, Tech Ed, Pre-Engineering Class, Band.