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Resetting Your Town is Torture!


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)
I am on day 2 of looking for that perfect map. So far everything has ended up looking like utter crap! That stupid pond is always right in front of the train station and the upper map is always too damn narrow. I know that I will never get the town map that I envisioned so I threw those ideas away when I realized I ain't getting it. I decided that all I want is an open space up along the tracks, a sharp corner on the ramp, and either a silver or blue roof on the train station. But when I get 1 or 2 of the things I desire the train station is ****ing always brown or red! I hate those colors, not the theme color I want, I hate it, Im angry, Nintendo hates me I swear!

I'm actually appalled that the game generates like this! Like does the code think its funny to throw out a bunch of maps with the most squiggly river ever? Like wtf man! Looks like a freaking 2 year old drew that map and rover is holding me hostage on that train forcing me to admire his 2 year old sons fake map drawings. Poor Mr. Resetti...he probably went into a coma seeing the amount of times I reset. I understand why people edit their games. It's chit like this that causes people to need to tamper with their save files.
I wouldn't normally say this, but if it upsets you have that much, perhaps you should just cheat it.
Just keep trying. You will eventually get a map that suits you. It just takes time, you can't expect the game to know exactly what you want.
I just reset for about 3 hours until I found a map that is acceptable to me, and I'm still thinking about deleting that map and starting over because there are some things which bother me about it. Unfortunately, maps are largely up to chance. You may find a map that looks really good on paper only to find out that the native fruit or the train station color sucks or that there is some rock in the absolute worst place. I suppose there are some people who like the really windy rivers and lots of ponds, but the rest of us just have to deal with it because the developers didn't give us more control over maps besides the four choices Rover gives us. All I can say is either keep plugging away at it, or wait for the next Animal Crossing game to come out and hopefully we'll get more control then.
I wouldn't normally say this, but if it upsets you have that much, perhaps you should just cheat it.

I would gladly just PS my save file but unfortunately the PS for ACNL doesn't have a map editing software yet.
It took me about a day and a half to find a map that I liked remotely for my newest town and it still has it's problems. For my next town when I restart it is going to take me forever because I want one of these super specific maps...


And on top of that I want only 2 ponds, one in the top corner and one in the bottom section below the river, I want the Retail and town hall to be as far north as possible, I want hopefully apples or pears but mostly apples, and I was the red roofs on the town halls and train station. And I want my plaza to be just under the town hall.... it is going to take me ages.
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Just keep trying! It may be your bad luck but I'm sure eventually you'll get a map. I resetted for over a week XD.
I found my perfect map guys! I might be able to squeeze in my envision for Moonzeta! I got all of the house placements planned in perfect spots that I was looking for. And my house is tucked in the every corner right beside the tracks.
I never knew about map resetting when I first started. I'm in love with my town the way it is now but if I ever get a new copy, I'll definitely find myself in resetting hell too lol! Glad you found a map you wanted!