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Eligible Return to Amy Isle

Island/Town Name
Amy Isle
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Jun 3, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Bronzed Bushwhacker Foraged Mushroom
Sad Elephant Fungus Foraged Mushroom
Stony Elephant Fungus Foraged Mushroom
Rebel Gnome
Citrine Crystal
The Bell Tree Fair 2022 Patch
Black Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Orange Candy
Purple Candy

Hello! My name is Amy, and I created my island, Amy Isle, on launch day. Although I don't regularly spend time on my island anymore, I do check in every few months to see how my villagers are doing. Hope you enjoy reading about my latest return. :)

Day 1

My first day back was quite mortifying. I woke up with terrible bedhead. I did my best to quickly make myself look decent. I then headed to the main floor of my house, only to discover that cockroaches were hiding everywhere! I was just about to take care of the pests, when Julian started knocking on my door! Alas, he happened to see my embarrassing infestation situation, and ended up promptly heading home in disgust. I shall have to go apologize to him tomorrow. I do hope he'll forgive me (and that he hasn't yet told EVERY animal on the island about what he saw). What a thing to happen! :(

Day 2

I spent most of Day 1 exterminating cockroaches and recovering from embarrassment, so I didn't get to reconnect with any of my villagers, as I had hoped. I made that a mission of mine today. The first stop I made was Poncho's house, as I saw that he was home. He was in the middle of crafting something, but he wasn't too busy to chat with me for a few minutes. I was so excited to seek out more of my villagers, that I forgot to ask him what he was crafting! Oh, well. I headed back outside, and looked to see who else was around. It was pretty early, so not everyone was awake yet. I did run into a few early risers, like Margie and Julian. Luckily, Julian was polite enough not to mention yesterday's cockroach incident. I'm glad to see our friendship is still in tact. :)

Day 3

Today I had planned to go and track down the rest of my villagers, but C.J. had other plans. He approached me as soon as I exited my home, and asked me to take part in a "seasports" challenge. He wanted me to catch 3 large fish, or any fish roughly the size of a squid. It sounded like a simple enough task, so I agreed. I put my social plans on hold, and headed out to do some fishing. I hadn't really been fishing since I completed my museum ages ago, so it was nice to get back into it. Plus, it felt good to know that I was helping C.J. out. :)

Day 4

It was a snowy day on Amy Isle, but that didn't stop a camper from visiting! As soon as Isabelle finished making the announcement, I rushed over to the campsite to see who was inside the tent. It was a gorilla by the name of Violet, and she seemed charmed by our peaceful island. After finishing my visit, I headed out to chat with a few of my villagers. I ran into Puddles and Mallary, and then into Beardo, who seemed to be deep in thought. Apparently he was considering leaving the island. I couldn't have that, so I begged him to stay. Fortunately, I was able to convince him to change his mind. What a relief!

Day 5

Today was another snowy day. After Isabelle implied in her announcements that Jolly Redd was in town, I headed over to his boat. I completed my museum a while ago, but I decided to check out his wares nonetheless. Sadly, there wasn't anything I was interested in. I left the boat and wandered over to the other end of my island, looking for some of my villagers. I ran into Drago, who was looking very pensive. He proceeded to gift me a samurai hakama, apparently because he had 2 of this particular clothing item. He was really excited by the idea of us matching, so I accepted his gift. It's the thought that counts, right?

Day 6

Today I found that Label was visiting Amy Isle in hopes of gaining some inspiration for her fashion designs. She had me participate in a fashion challenge, and asked me to show her an "everyday outfit". She said she wanted to see something that one could wear on an ordinary day, and she gifted me a fuzzy vest to get me started. I headed back to my home to change, and once I had carefully selected my outfit, I headed back to the plaza to show her my interpretation. She seemed satisfied with what I had picked out, and even rewarded me with some shorts from her line. I'm looking forward to wearing them once the weather warms up!

Day 7

Today was a relatively uneventful day. Surprisingly, I found C.J. wandering around the island again. I wasn't up for another seasports challenge, so I kept my distance. I ended up bumping into Beardo, and he asked me to participate in a treasure hunt. Having nothing better to do, I agreed. However, it ended up being pretty short-lived. Afterwards, I looked around for someone else to chat with. I saw that Julian was home, so I decided to pay him a visit. He happened to be in the middle of cooking something, and he kindly shared his recipe with me. I'll have to try it out at some point.


Day 8

We had several special visitors stop by the island today! First of all, I ran into Flick when I was running around the northern part of my island. I didn't have any bugs to sell him, but it was still nice to see him. I then took another few steps, and bumped right into Celeste! She kindly shared some star fragments with me. The rest of my evening was pretty uneventful. I ran into a few of my villagers, including Poncho, who gifted me a top hat. I also talked to Margie for the first time in a while. She seemed pretty happy about that. I think I'm going to make a point of changing my outfit tomorrow, as I haven't changed since Label visited. Oops!


Day 9

I started the day off by picking out a new outfit to wear. I opted for something warm, as there is still snow on the ground. I then headed to the plaza, where K.K. Slider had already started playing some songs. He wasn't taking requests at the time, as it was too early, but I still enjoyed watching his performance with Mallary. Afterwards, I wandered around and talked to a few of my other villagers, including Poncho, Margie, Apollo and Ozzie. They all seemed to be enjoying the afternoon sunshine. I also checked the store to see if there was anything worth buying but, alas, there was not. Maybe tomorrow!

Day 10

Today was Drago's birthday! Quite honestly, I had completely forgotten, so I quickly rushed over to the store to do some last minute shopping. I picked out something I thought Drago might like, and then dashed back home to change into my fanciest party attire. I then headed off to Drago's place. When I got there, I saw that Poncho was already helping him celebrate. It looked like they were having a good time. I gave Drago his present, and then joined the fun. I think he liked it! It would make me really happy if he'd put it out in his house. I guess I'll have to wait and see! Anyway, I'm really glad I got to celebrate my good friend's special day. :)
