Returning after four years or so!


Sep 20, 2015
It’s been almost four years since I have been a regular here on TBT, but I have so many wonderful memories of this place. My username used to be MayorKate, and I started here in 2014 trying to build my first town, Bluebell. I also ran two cycling towns, Snowdrop and Marigold. All of my memories here are such warm ones—I never once had a bad experience, was able to collect all of my dreamies, and help others find theirs through giveaways and auctions. A lot has changed in my life, but not how much I love to play Animal Crossing.

I go by the name Mote online now, and I play a lot of Pocket Camp these days and draw fan art. I still play New Leaf from time to time, and am thinking of restarting my current town, Hinoki, because my real focus now is on interiors after playing so much Pocket Camp.

I want to slowly return to the board and hopefully provide more giveaways as I start to cycle again. I think a lot has changed about playing New Leaf since 2015 but these boards seem just as wonderful a community to play with as they used to. :)

I post almost every day on my Instagram for Animal Crossing art and snapshots: @motenomori. Please follow me there if you would like to talk about Pocket Camp or enter my fan art giveaways every week or so. I have the same username on Twitter, too, but I don’t post there as much.

Thank you for having me back again. I can’t wait to play New Leaf here again, and soon Animal Crossing for Switch!
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Welcome back to TBT Mote! :D I hope you have an absolute blast here and make more amazing memories along the way! :) I also hope you are able to meet and interact with many of the amazing people on here along the way too! :D


also, welcome back

Could be that they were a lurker here and joined in 2015, that's just my guess. ;)
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Welcome back! You were before my time, but still. It's nice to meet you. I have also just come back from an hiatus (altho mine was only a year long). Love to be able to come back here and back to these games.