Revisiting old AC games!


May 22, 2014
So I was reorganizing my room today and found my old copy (my old neighbors copy who left it at my house when i was younger) of the original GC Animal Crossing! I was so happy and then i opened to box to see how terribly scratched it was! Then i slid it into my wii to see if it worked, and it totally does!

I'm so happy and i definitely plan on playing it, I've wanted to go and revisit an old AC ever since getting NL last year...

I turn it on, start up a new town, and i get a bunch of amazing villagers! Murphy, Teddy, Mallary, Emerald, Tangy, and Paolo~!

Anyway i was just curious to seeyour guys' experience with revisiting AC games after playing New Leaf. C:
I tend to pop back to CF now and again, I never really made much progress in that town, even after nearly 5 years.

I want to go check my Gamecube town, but I can't find my memory card lol, I lost it in like 2008, gonna lot's of weeds haha.
I miss that town...

And I think my sister has the WW cartage (it was a shared game, so was the GC version, we never had enough money for a DS each, she took the DS with her as well -_-)
I just picked up Wild World and hope to re-buy CF and the original. I haven't started WW yet, as it's pretty hectic here and I spend too much time on NL as it is.
The Animal Crossing community, along with the Pok?mon community, really need to get a grip on the fact the newest isn't always the greatest, so, I fully support going back to that of the past.
I bought a copy of WW not too long ago. I fell in love with AC so much I wanted to see its roots. I seem to have lost it though. I must go find it.
Ideally I'd love to play the original. I always felt like I missed out not playing the beginnings of this game. Hopefully one day I can try them all.
The Animal Crossing community, along with the Pok?mon community, really need to get a grip on the fact the newest isn't always the greatest, so, I fully support going back to that of the past.

I agree. As much as I love playing Pokemon X & New Leaf, I still own and love all of my old games. I still have my original copy go Pokemon Yellow & Red. I plan on playing through those again soon!
I just started playing City Folk again few days ago, I started a new town and I love my villagers! Caroline and Cube are so cute <3.
I play CF and GC at least twice a month. I know that's not alot, but my Wii is in my bedroom and the husband and I are on opposite sleeping schedules. Anyhow, I have lots of fun playing those still. And of course, I play NL and WW daily :)