Senior Member
Hello all! Robin is crafting a ironwood dresser if you would like to come comment below. I will be letting in 2-3 people at a time so I will like your post when I DM you the dodo code. Robin‘s house is on the left side of the map - on the second row of houses. Please follow the path!
I will be around the path area with a pink imp hat.
Tips are not required but are appreciated!
You may also shop at nooks and Ables just let me know. Leif is also here! DO NOT RUN I have flowers around the area.
Please leave via airport.
Thanks !
I will be around the path area with a pink imp hat.
Tips are not required but are appreciated!
You may also shop at nooks and Ables just let me know. Leif is also here! DO NOT RUN I have flowers around the area.
Please leave via airport.
Thanks !