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[Roleplay] Trapped (Is starting!)


attention gamers,
May 22, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Flower Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
In this Roleplay, you are hanging out with a group of friends when you encounter an old abandoned amusement park. You all decide to walk in, but when you do, the huge gates shut behind you, and you can't climb over them.
You're all trapped. What do you do?

This is just like my old thread "you're trapped at an abandoned amusement park," but it's more like an actual Roleplay where you have to create a character and give them a personality, etc.

1. You can make up to 2 characters in the roleplay.
2. You can make your character die if you'd like. However, if this happens you cannot participate in the roleplay anymore unless you have made another character who is still alive.
3. Nothing inappropriate.
4. Try to be serious unless the character you've made has a less serious personality.
5. Have fun!

Creator's Username:
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else:

Creator's Username: Magic Marshmallow
Name: Sophia Johnson
Age: 17
Personality: Very shy, and She has trouble talking to people and can lose control of her emotions easily. However, she can be very brave when necessary, and is also very creative.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
(She wears a green hairpin instead of a headband and usually doesn't wear clothes like that but it's the closest thing I could find)
Anything else: Her green hairpin is a gift from her grandmother before she passed away. As long as Sophie is wearing it, she can summon her sword at any time. She is very skilled in swordplay.
Creator's Username: Magic Marshmallow
Name: Brianna Marigold
Age: 16
Personality: Brianna is usually daydreaming and not very alert to what's going on around her. She has a very vivid imagination and when she does know what's going on in the real world, she's full of great ideas. She's very outgoing and optimistic.

Anything else: Nah
Creator's Username: Ghost Soda
Name: Olive Pavlou
Age: 17
Personality: Olive is very sarcastic and snarky. She can be somewhat stuck up and over-confident in herself. She can easily keep her cool in most situations, but if she loses her handle on things she starts to flip out. Gets annoyed when people don't know what they're doing.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: Has hemophilia, but keeps it a secret from others. She is also quiet book smart and loves archery and secretly romance novels.
Creator's Username: L CocoaBean
Name: Asuna Kawahara
Age: 17
Personality: Shy and quiet, loves to make people happy but is often to scared to talk to people.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to): Quite long purple hair, always wears a yellow bow in her hair.
Anything else: Is in a wheelchair but no one knows why.
Creator's Username: L CocoaBean
Name: Misaki Yuuki
Age: 15
Personality: Loud and crazy, gets angry easily. Deep down is really sweet and kind.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to): Long brown hair and very short.
Anything else: Is teased because of her height but she acts like she doesnt care. Doesn't have any close friends.
Creator's Username: KawaiiX3
Name: Molly Larson
Age: 19
Personality: She's a introvert, but she will talk to you once she gets to know you more. She's often awkward and she doesn't know when she is making someone annoyed or embarrassed. When she was little, she was very peppy and energetic but when her mother passed away, all of that peppiness changed, She became really shy & embarrassed quite easily.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: She wears glasses because she says contacts hurt her eyes.
Creator's Username: KawaiiX3
Name: Katie Larson
Age: 16
Personality: She's the opposite of Molly. She talks a lot and doesn't know when to stop. She is Molly's younger sister. Her mother's death didn't affect her personality much, besides she was barely sad the day of her death. She is very energetic and goes to sleep at midnight, at exactly 2 A.M, when Molly goes to sleep at 9 P.M. She loves to go to parties and gets super excited whenever she gets invited to one.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: She got the blonde hair from her dad, as Molly got brown hair from her mother.
Creator's Username: TheCreeperHugz
Name: Jasmyn Blake
Age: 18
Personality: She is very bubbly and quick to talk to people, and is fairly hard to annoy. She often acts quite childish for her age, and is very easily scared by most scary things, besides spiders.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: She has heterochromia (different coloured eyes) and is Isaac's older sister.
Creator's Username: TheCreeperHugz
Name: Isaac Blake
Age: 15
Personality: Isaac is quiet and reserved, and hangs around with his sister a lot because he's too introverted to make many friends of his own. Despite being the younger sibling, he acts much more mature than Jasmyn and he keeps her in control so she doesn't do stupid things that could get her hurt.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: Jasmyn's younger brother.
Creator's Username: ApolloJusticeAC
Name: Vincent
Age: 20
Personality: Vincent is a serious & sarcastic guy. He is usually alone & likes knifes.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to): Anything else: Vincent is the son of a murderer.
Creator's Username: Beardo
Name: Orianna Reveck
Age: 17
Personality: Comes off as cold and emotionless, though she strives to be kind and warm.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to): View attachment 143745
Anything else: She's a dancer and has an interest in music, so she's often humming classical music
Creator's Username: HardyHarHarHar
Name: Aki
Age: 19
Personality: He's a lonely guy, so he isn't very social, but he can open up, but he may still be quiet. He's also very serious at times, but can lighten up from time to time. He's weak but also somewhat smart. he will usually look out for anyone he trusts, and when the odds fall against that person will most likely stick by that trusted person's side.
Looks: Tall, white haired, normally wearing a white T-shirt with blue jeans.
Anything else: Nah.
Creator's Username: ApolloJusticeAC
Name: Emi
Age: 18
Personality: Emi is mostly bubbly, but can be serious at times.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: Emi is Vincent's sister. (I'm gonna play as her. As this is very late.)
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Creator's Username: Ghost Soda
Name: Olive Pavlou
Age: 17
Personality: Olive is very sarcastic and snarky. She can be somewhat stuck up and over-confident in herself. She can easily keep her cool in most situations, but if she loses her handle on things she starts to flip out. Gets annoyed when people don't know what they're doing.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: Has hemophilia, but keeps it a secret from others. She is also quiet book smart and loves archery and secretly romance novels.
Creator's Username: L CocoaBean
Name: Asuna Kawahara
Age: 17
Personality: Shy and quiet, loves to make people happy but is often to scared to talk to people.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to): Quite long purple hair, always wears a yellow bow in her hair.
Anything else: Is in a wheelchair but no one knows why.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Creator's Username: L CocoaBean
Name: Misaki Yuuki
Age: 15
Personality: Loud and crazy, gets angry easily. Deep down is really sweet and kind.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to): Long brown hair and very short.
Anything else: Is teased because of her height but she acts like she doesnt care. Doesn't have any close friends.
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Creator's Username: KawaiiX3
Name: Molly Larson
Age: 16
Personality: She's a introvert, but she will talk to you once she gets to know you more. She's often awkward and she doesn't know when she is making someone annoyed or embarrassed. When she was little, she was very peppy and energetic but when her mother passed away, all of that peppiness changed, She became really shy & embarrassed quite easily.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: She only smiles for photos, besides that she's almost always frowning :(


Creator's Username: KawaiiX3
Name: Katie Larson
Age: 14
Personality: She's the opposite of Molly. She talks a lot and doesn't know when to stop. She is Molly's younger sister. Her mother's death didn't affect her personality much, besides she was barely sad the day of her death. She is very energetic and goes to sleep at midnight, at exactly 2 A.M, when Molly goes to sleep at 9 P.M. She loves to go to parties and gets super excited whenever she gets invited to one.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: She got the blonde hair from her dad, as Molly got brown hair from her mother.
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Creator's Username: TheCreeperHugz
Name: Jasmyn Blake
Age: 18
Personality: She is very bubbly and quick to talk to people, and is fairly hard to annoy. She often acts quite childish for her age, and is very easily scared by most scary things, besides spiders.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: She has heterochromia (different coloured eyes) and is Isaac's older sister.


Creator's Username: TheCreeperHugz
Name: Isaac Blake
Age: 15
Personality: Isaac is quiet and reserved, and hangs around with his sister a lot because he's too introverted to make many friends of his own. Despite being the younger sibling, he acts much more mature than Jasmyn and he keeps her in control so she doesn't do stupid things that could get her hurt.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: Jasmyn's younger brother.
You may begin the ROLEPLAY! I'd start off with something but I'm bad at starting things off... Plus I need to sleep soon. Have fun!
Okay, fine, I'll start.

So everyone is walking in a group, chatting and whatnot.


Hey, um, look! *Points to entrance to amusement park*


...Uh, what? Oh, cool! Maybe we should go inside!
<Molly will be blue, and Katie will be pink>

Oh, uh that seems nice. *walks inside*

An amusement park?! Don't mind if I do! *runs inside*
Ugh! Katie, wait up! You're too fast.. *sighs*

Sorry! No way I am waiting for you, slowpoke. *runs even faster*
Creator's Username: ApolloJusticeAC
Name: Vincent
Age: 20
Personality: Vincent is a serious & sarcastic guy. He is usually alone & likes knifes.
Looks (can include a photo but you don't have to):
Anything else: Vincent is the son of a murderer.