Giveaway Rosie (100% original) is in boxes today!

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Flapping Floaty Thing
Dec 27, 2018
Crystal Reindeer
Night Sky Scenery
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Yellow Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
100% (248) +
I have Rosie up for adoption, all original as she was just a temporary resident for a few days as I had to move Pekoe out for a bit as she moved into a really bad spot before.

I'm not looking for anything in return as I've already been treated really well at this forum :)

So if anyone wants to adopt Rosie.. Please reply here!
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if rosy is still available, would i be able to see if i can get her to move here? (9 villagers rn, not sure if my janky game would let her in, worth a shot tho)
if rosy is still available, would i be able to see if i can get her to move here? (9 villagers rn, not sure if my janky game would let her in, worth a shot tho)

Of course! :) Which time zone are you in? I am available today, I can put her in boxes already as I had to time travel back to today's date :)
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i'm in gmt-6, im actually available right now if you are! (i use a hotspot for internet, so im typically available whenever im at the house, or i have my laptop with me) i'd have to see if i still have enough room in my town real fast though
i Have enough room, one of my others left not to long ago, so huzzhah!

Great news! :) Are you available now?

I'll take her if the above user can't! :)

It looks like they have enough space, so the trade should go through..
I do have Francine in my campsite at the moment, if you'd like to adopt her :)
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actually, if theyd like rosie, please let them have it, i have two otheres giving me people and i only have rom atm for two, sorry!
do you still have her? i wanna take her ^^
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