Also, in this thread you offered Ezreal Rosie first so I think she should be getting her rather than you continuing to tell people (including me since you say there was no promise made) to make offers, since you just essentially told someone else they could have her, no?
Edit: Ok I reread and you said if Ezreal didn't want her you were doing a raffle so that is even MORE confusing as to why you are still telling people to make offers. I am not even saying these things fighting for her, I honestly just feel you promise people things or say things until a better opportunity may come along, and that is not disrespectful just my opinion based on what you have said to me and then done otherwise, and have said in here then continued to do things contradicting what you said prior.
You can have whatever opinion you want on me but I do think it's wrong that if you supposedly didn't say you reserved Rosie for me, to tell me to make an offer when a) you already offered her to Ezreal and b) said right after that it would be a raffle if not.
And to prove I am not just *****ing and moaning over wanting Rosie, I honestly do not need her from you and I would assume since you feel "disrespected" by me you wouldn't want me getting her anyways (unless I offered you lots of stuff, I guess), it's just the straight up denying what you said after already flipping within 24 hours and then possibly screwing over the next person that you offered her to by continuing to take offers when she never did say here that she didn't want her. If I am wrong in saying this and she feels differently I apologize to her and was only trying to defend her position here because all I can see is her being offered and then you telling other people to make offers on her, and it doesn't appear that Ezreal is online to say anything about it either way.
You also did say VERBATIM that your villagers after you get julian and marshal were free btw lol just sayin to the people offering money they shouldn't have to pay according to you
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I thought you said after you got julian and marshal your villagers were free?
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one last tip: there are no blue tulips in case you were wasting your time trying to breed them