• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!


Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Mocha lots milk 3 sugar!
Jan 27, 2015
Chocolate Coins
Tasty Cake
Waluigi Easter Egg
Current villagers:

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I have stopped taking lots of screenshots as of late, in part because I trashed my island's decor trying to get the rocks all in one place, and partly because I wasn't getting much of a reaction on my FB, where I would post them. Perhaps keeping this photojournal will inspire me to take more pictures and start to redecorate now that I'm not trying to cover every inch of space.

To start, here is the rock garden that took weeks of blood, sweat, and tears:


My greatest achievement.

The day I convinced Papi to do a Zelda cosplay with me. He's a good sport.

"Of all the fortune teller shop fronting for the Squirrel mob in all the world, she walks into mine..."
Aka the noir movie I shot with Clay and Sheldon.​
Film critics called it "derivative" and "an incoherent mashup between detective noir, gangster flicks, and Lovecraft."
Timmy and Tommy gave it five stars.​


"Hello, my treacherous friends. I've called you all here to discuss, as I must, the fate of our children, the spiders."


Teddy bear picnic. A staple of my beachfront.


An early version of my plaza. It's changed since then. I'll post another pic when I'm truly happy with it.



Iggly. My sweet, silly boy. :love:


...The day I completed that hideous Bunny set...​
I have stopped taking lots of screenshots as of late, in part because I trashed my island's decor trying to get the rocks all in one place, and partly because I wasn't getting much of a reaction on my FB, where I would post them. Perhaps keeping this photojournal will inspire me to take more pictures and start to redecorate now that I'm not trying to cover every inch of space.

Welcome to island journals! From experience I can tell you that coming here really inspired me to look after my own island, so I hope you find some inspiration too!

Congrats on the rock garden (I myself haven't even considered doing it because I'm so scared of the dedication it would take lol) and that photo with Papi is sooooo adorable ♥
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The Search for Merry
welcome merry.jpg

Technically Merry moved in yesterday, but since this was her first day "unpacked" I logged on eager to welcome her as a proper resident of Rosvalia. I ran to her house only to find that she wasn't at home. I ran around looking for her, with no success, and eventually got distracted by the daily chores and talking to other villagers.


Stopping by the Plaza I found Judy and Boris being cute on the bench.

Since Label was in town, I changed clothes to impress her:

label look.jpg

The skies were getting dark, and soon a full on thunderstorm was raining sheets onto my island. Perfect opportunity for another outfit change, this time into a pink raincoat.

As the day wore on, I forgot that I hadn't found Merry yet. But I had gone all over the island, venturing into villager homes, and still no sign of her! I stopped by Judy eventually, and was reminded again of how much I like her house. I've tried to gift judiciously, so as not to ruin it. I wish she would wear the barrette instead of displaying it, but oh well. Judy's gotta do, what Judy's gotta do. (The bug is a firefly, because I thought it would fit her sparkly starry night look. It would be cuter stored in a jar, though.)

judys house.jpg

But, not to be distracted for too long, I did eventually start to wonder why I couldn't find Rosvalia's newest resident.

Then it dawned on me. The museum!

merry goober.jpg

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After hanging with Merry in the Butterfly Enclosure for hours, I left the museum to find that the rain had gone and left behind a beautiful double rainbow:

double rainbow.jpg
I have been in Terraforming hell so there hasn't been much to post.

I welcomed Julian to my island via campsite, but had to lose Clay. He seemed unaffected by my tears over his departure.

Julian very quickly made himself at home, befriending Papi:

Julian Papi.jpg

I continue to enjoy Merry. She is such a cutie!

Kitty Litter 1.jpg

Kitty litter 2.jpg

During my feverish island redecorating, I tore down my outdoor arcade. RIP arcade.

sheldon june 23.jpg

Sheldon Arcade.jpg

Sheldon was the only villager who ever visited it and he only went there twice. I have not yet decided how to utilize the space. The entire left side of my island is more or less a wildflower and random bell tree wilderness now.

I leave you with a nice shot of me creeping on my darling Iggles while he star gazes.

Iggly Night.jpg
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I attended the first fireworks display. Next week I will try to make more interesting designs for the show, but for the first time around I just chose the existing patterns I had, which meant my island flag, some ivy and seashell designs, and even my custom eyebrows. 😅

I enjoyed the show.
