I have stopped taking lots of screenshots as of late, in part because I trashed my island's decor trying to get the rocks all in one place, and partly because I wasn't getting much of a reaction on my FB, where I would post them. Perhaps keeping this photojournal will inspire me to take more pictures and start to redecorate now that I'm not trying to cover every inch of space.
To start, here is the rock garden that took weeks of blood, sweat, and tears:
My greatest achievement.
The day I convinced Papi to do a Zelda cosplay with me. He's a good sport.
"Of all the fortune teller shop fronting for the Squirrel mob in all the world, she walks into mine..."
Aka the noir movie I shot with Clay and Sheldon.
Film critics called it "derivative" and "an incoherent mashup between detective noir, gangster flicks, and Lovecraft."
Timmy and Tommy gave it five stars.
"Hello, my treacherous friends. I've called you all here to discuss, as I must, the fate of our children, the spiders."
Teddy bear picnic. A staple of my beachfront.
An early version of my plaza. It's changed since then. I'll post another pic when I'm truly happy with it.
Iggly. My sweet, silly boy.
...The day I completed that hideous Bunny set...