"Obviously. What, you think they were taking us all for ice cream?"
"Don't test me!" Rae shrieked, making a tight fist. "I'll punch you right here and now!"
"Obviously. What, you think they were taking us all for ice cream?"
"Oh really?" Satoshi laughs. Satoshis eyes widen "We. Aren't. All. Getting. ICE CREAAAM!!!!!" He yells at the girl who didn't notice his sarcasm.
"Don't test me!" Rae shrieked, making a tight fist. "I'll punch you right here and now!"
"Oh really?" Satoshi laughs. Satoshis eyes widen "We. Aren't. All. Getting. ICE CREAAAM!!!!!" He yells at the girlwho didn't notice he sarcasm.