◤{rp} ◥◤ peninsula◥◤ now hiring ◥◤ patients admitted 24/7◥

I make my way to the top of the deck and watch them, some are close to the edge of the ship and I mutter, "tried that" quietly
"H-huh?" I slowly back away, not wanting to get hit by any of the.angry people on the ship.
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Penny couldn't take it any longer. She couldn't stand being with these people. She tried to clamber over the side of the boat...

"Don't test me!" Rae shrieked, making a tight fist. "I'll punch you right here and now!"
"Oh really?" Satoshi laughs. Satoshis eyes widen "We. Aren't. All. Getting. ICE CREAAAM!!!!!" He yells at the girl who didn't notice his sarcasm.
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I start to hallucinate due to my disorder. "Ohhhhh, flying mint bunny has come to say hello to Tira hehehe!" I start seeing things and giggle.
Penny loitered on the edge of the boat. She wanted to escape, but if she did, surely everyone would hate her and hunt her down and kill her and eat her and put her head on a big pointy pole... she began to feel woozy.
Name: Vinny
Age: 14
Gender: M
Appearance: brown spiked hair, brown eyes
Sexual Orientation: Straight, even though I won't get a ship.
Reason for admission into mental institute: Nervous breakdown
Personality: quiet and not very open, doesn't speak up often
*Mental Disorders: None, mental breakdown came from stress of work
Flaws: afraid of dirt overly aware of surroundings (not quite ocd, came from being picked on), trips often, poor athletics
*Extra Details: Too lazy to c/p, it's like four or five triangles.
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"Oh.... Well, I hope we get there soon, anyway! I don't like confined spaces like buses and boats, there's not enough space to explore..."