[RP] Waiting for the Fifth Season (Accepting is Always On!)

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Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
Throwback Tickets
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
This is an RP, which SHOULD work fine, unlike my last one.

The storyline is here:

A bunch of fans of MLP eagerly waiting for the 5th season of said show find themselves at arms with a rival group consisting of fans of Game of Thrones, which is ALSO expecting a 5th season! So, the rivaling fandoms plan to start a Backyard War. But first, they need supplies. After they grab their supplies (plenty of sticks and stones, lots of crabapples, tons of wood and metal), the official Fandom War between Equestrians and Westerosians can begin! The bronies and pegasisters have technicolored equipment fashioned to include (and sometimes after) the Cutie Marks of various ponies (and r/c cars with pony toys tied to them, and laser pointers tied to the ponies, as well as modified bike helmets modeled after *insert pony here* with colored shades that match said pony's eye color), while the Westerosians have drab wooden equipment fashioned after Game of Thrones weapons (and a white dog named Ghost with 3 lizards colored red with steampunk bat wings attached to them, along with some fancy costumes).

The rules:

You can't GodMod (control people's characters).
No Mary Sues/Gary Stus (absolutely perfect characters with every single power and hobby who can contort the universe to their every whim).
You can only have one character.
The RP starts when we have 2 characters.
If you have to be on both sides, please list your job as "ambassador".
Please, no location changes or ACTUAL weaponry.
You must choose from 6 classes: Sniper, Double Agent, Scouter, Medic, Combatant, Scientist.
And most importantly, pas-- I mean, have fun~!

The form:

MLP or GoT?:
Weapon of Choice:
The RP starts when we have 2 characters on opposing sides.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Pam
Age: Looks 16, acts 32
Class: Scouter
Personality: Mellow
MLP or GoT?: MLP
Weapon of Choice: Stickers (to annoy the GoT fans)
Flaws: Often forgets when to eat, Sometimes gets TOO relaxed
Other: Thick red dreadlocks and bushy eyebrows, wears a green apron with a rose in it, yellow bandanna in her hair


If you want to sign up, copy the form in the spoiler and get to work!
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Bump. Nobody's joining.

I need the posters to show up. What will nab them...?

5 Nights at Freddy's!

Bonnie and Foxy are my baes!
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