Rubber fruit?

Reginald Fairfield

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2017
Golden Mushroom Lamp
Shiitake Plushroom
Indigo Mushroom Lamp
Shiitake Plushroom
Viridis Mushroom Lamp
Yellow Bunny Balloon
Final Boss Bunny Balloon
Hot Bunny Balloon
Pink Bunny Balloon
Yellow Bunny Balloon

Have you experienced this rubber fruit thing going around? Of course people online are going to be dicks about anything. If this is real, I'm wondering if you can catch it before you check out. I mostly just buy apples and blueberries.

The affected fruits so far seem to be watermelon, bananas, blueberries, and avocado. I also didn't consider avocado to be a fruit.
Didn't know this was a trend right now, but tbh I don't follow social media or tiktok, So I don't know what is going on with all the viral videos, but plants need water. This summer in US has been overly hot and has had somewhat of a drought. If plants don't get enough water, they'll either die or produce low quality fruit/vegetables. If you look at a plant as it doesn't get enough water it shrivels up, same as the fruit on it. If it gets water, it might perk back and the fruit/vegetables will expand grow/shrink with the water intake. Too much water like excessive will give the opposite result, but still not good because the crops will split as they take in too much water.

There's like a fine level when it all ripens that you want it at. If it's picked too late it will be mushy and picked too early and most stuff will be hard because ripe is when the stuff starts to decompose but you want to pick it at just the right time. It looks like from the drought that some of the stuff affected wasn't getting enough water to ripen it and it's kinda spongy/gritty/grainy.

This is tiktok though so I am sure some of the more mild videos are accurate and others jumped on the bandwagon to be internet famous for 5 seconds. Some of the videos I looked at definitely were fake looking. They looked like the stress-relief material balls while others that were less mild with the dehydration were a bit gummy.

I am sure like any internet trend, it's gotten out of hand with people making up all sorts of claims.