RUIN the above posters wish!

but then you lost all of your money cause you gave it to us

I wish that they don't make another wii and I don't get it.
Well they DID! And you DID get it! But it was to great for you and your house BLEW UP!

I wish better games would come out on the Wii!
2 BAD lol i just added to your wish >__>
i wish that one day i would stop crying in darkness ^__^
Well the sun blew up and the world was engufled in darkness, then you triped and scraped your elbow and started crying!

I was i had more bells!
you did for about 4 min then it died of a heart attack

i wish i didn't maybe kinda do does did have a mill bells

P.S i like this new game nice job :D
You did become a fish but then the world entered a giant drought! And you DIED!

I wish Bush would fall off a building!