Selling [s] Collectibles [b] Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone for 400 TBT

How much TBT would you be seeking for a Celeste Chick Plush in addition to the 36 tickets? Or how many additional throwback tickets would you be seeking?
How much TBT would you be seeking for a Celeste Chick Plush in addition to the 36 tickets? Or how many additional throwback tickets would you be seeking?
How many throwback tickets would u be willing to give up? I’m gonna equate the throwback tickets to the collectibles i’m buying (since i’m mainly after a bluebird, i equate those 36 tickets to 4k TBT) so it would be helpful to know.

A 2024 celeste is worth 156 tickets in shop so I’m fine with going to around 130~ish tickets assuming no TBT is added.

I’m pretty flexible and willing to negotiate if necessary as this is a trade I’m very interested in.
Hello Emolga59, would you be willing to date trade your Perfect Pear and Perfect Orange?
Going to double post but tysm!!! sorry I took a minute, was trying to decide which pear to send haha
Hi Emolga, how much would it cost to buy 24 regular tickets from you?
Oh ok! Thank you for getting back to me!!!
On another note though, I have a 2022 Bluebird plush I could sell you for 800 TBT if you're interested O:
I’ll send the tbt! No message is needed :3