• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Saving mail


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Sky Grass Scenery
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Sky Clouds Scenery
Are you the type to save mail or just toss it?
I was thinking about this when I was saving the mail hahha.. I don't use the mail system for storage though.. hhaha.
I used to try to save it from my past villagers but I ended up just tossing them all after I read it. I'm never gonna go back and read it again so no point in saving it lol.
i save special mail such as when villagers leave, or letters from my mom, gulliver, katie, etc.
I'm saving Gulliver mail, just because I figure at some point I'll run out of room in my closet/house/museum and I could reattach souvenirs to his letters, matching them by country. So attaching Big Ben to England, etc.
I saved the letter from the "supposed to be mayor" that you get in the beginning, I saved my first bug off win letter, the letter from Eugene saying he was moving, and other special ones.

I also have a really rude and vulgar one from a close friend of mine. That's just the way we talk to each other.
I really wished I started saving goodbye letters, but it's too late now...

I currently only save letters from Nintendo or Isabelle.
I save 1 letter from each villager. It's usually a letter that I really liked or a special letter.
I save way too many letters. ;___; The only ones I really throw away are letters that are extremely similar to each other or letters whose sole subject is about presents (it's no fun looking back at a letter about a present a villager is giving you when you can't even remember what it was, lol). My boxes are filling up fast though and I'll probably have to go through them again and delete the ones I don't really need anymore. I'm just a very sentimental person!
I only save goodbye letters as a way of recording which villagers I've had in my town.
I've been saving pretty much every letter I get aside from deliveries for whatever reason. I'm going to clean them out soon because I'm filling up the last section and I've never even gone back to the other letters I've saved.
I save the goodbye letters with their picture attached. That gives me a storage spot for those pictures because I do not want to get rid of them. All of the neighbors I get a picture from when they are still in town also sends me one with their goodbye letter, so it is not difficult to do.