Now probably a rlc only shop! (bc im very indecisive orz)

Chatting is welcomed but please be nice and keep the thread drama-free!
Please don't remove my signature from art, don't claim it as your own, credit me etc etc
When crediting, I prefer to be credited as jintii@tumblr or Jintii@dA
by ordering art from this me, you agree to adhere to my ToS.
Styles WILL rotate a lot so please grab what you want while it's still available!!
Couples are x2.5 the price.... I'm bad with interactions uuuuu
Will only work after payment's been sent!!

Since you can't get games with tbt anymore I don't really need that much of the currency haha ` 7 `
That's why I'm turning this into a rlc shop;; but might still do tbt comms and if I hold aucs they'll definitely be in tbt
so keep an eye out I guess? wwww

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