Searching for Friends


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2015
Helloeveryone! I'm a former ACNL player in search of friends because I started a new town. I already have a pretty big house but its very empty so I was hoping someone can help me expand what's in my catalog. I'm also very good at growing flowers so if you're in need of a certain kind I can get you some. I also like looking at other people's houses and using their ideas for my house and I know that's what they made the HHA or Dream Suite for but I hardly get anyone on street pass and I can't get the item in a dream suite. I'm in need of money but am not asking for it. I just need a town with a different native fruit other than peach. I'm a very nice person and am happily willing to talk to you if need someone to talk to or help you.

My friend code is 2750-1563-0543
Please message me. Thank you
Well it seems I have no luck in this forum either... Even the latest thread got a warm welcome. I guess I'll try some other place for friends
Aw don't think that way! People are in different time zones, some might probably be out/asleep/busy at this time.

But welcome to TBT!
Happy to hear that! Its no problem

Hope you find what you need through this forum :D
I got some Cherries and Apple's if you need fruit, and how many bells do you need exactly? Cause I am more then willing to help out!
I just joined today, as well, and am looking to make friends. 2294-6755-8908

Just added you to my friend list, HappyHomeDesigner. You as well, Tenshi PRime.
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