Season Jumpers Thread


Feb 9, 2013
0% (0) +
Hello and welcome to the Season Jumpers Thread!
>Be courteous.
>Abuse is prohibited.
>Individuals can decide to charge or not charge entrance fees as they see fit to cover any loses.
>Individuals can enact rules on their towns. Likewise, you may not run in Morgen* or shake any trees without my permission.
>Safety is key. Remember to be safe about letting strangers in your town.
>I shouldn’t have to make rules, do I? Everyone knows what to do, right?

Thread FAQ:
What is the Season Jumpers Thread?:
A thread where casual players switch seasons on a whim regardless of the actual season it might have been, such as… It could be spring in real life, but winter in-game.

Why would anyone make a thread for this?:

Well, some people (such as I) don’t really want to risk losing out on progress simply because we want a bug or two or that pesky fish that always alludes us. Buying or renting a second cartridge to supplement seems a bit much unless you fancy that sort of thing. So by making this thread, people are able to go to towns that are set in certain seasons/months (some insects/bugs/deep sea are restricted by months more than seasons and the time they spawn) without losing progress, because as said… People, who are wanting to, jump around seasons.

Also, to explore the newly changed events such as Halloween that neither countries have experienced yet or country-exclusive events that yield exclusive items that can be traded on the forum for Bells or so forth.

What is this thread about?:

To bring together people who want to explore different seasons without risking their own games. Also, to help each other complete season-exclusive items such as Gracie’s furniture and mentioned, bugs and fish.

Game FAQ:
Can I take whatever I buy/catch back to my town?:

Yes. As long as it is in your bag or storage locker, anything you catch or buy will remain. (Disconnection can lead to loss of these items)

Can I catch bees, tarantulas and scorpions while in someone’s town?:

No. You don’t have a house to spawn to if you are bitten or stung and because of this, it would be useless and probably game breaking to have them scurrying around the town.

Why is it that saving almost every time something is caught is beneficial?:
Sometimes internet connections on Nintendo’s end or you and your cohorts’ end are not as stable as it made out to be. Saving periodically reduces the risk of losing whatever you bought, caught, or found.

What is Time Travel that I keep hearing about?:

Time traveling is manipulating the game’s clock. It benefits as every 6 AM starts a new day which means you can find new fossils and receive any items or mail from Pete. Also it benefits when people don’t want to wait for a certain time period to end.

Does Time Travel affect my town?:

Yes, because you’re manipulating the game’s clock and not playing, weeds and such can strewn the town if you don’t already have the Beautiful Ordinance in place. It’ll also affect your villagers, since you’re not playing and keep moving time forward and backwards, villagers will eventually leave and cause problems if you have an orchard that you don’t want to be affected. NPCs who normally appear at the Plaza can be affected too.

Should I Time Travel?:

It’s up to you. You are the Mayor, after all. You can decide as you see fit, just keep extra fruits and flowers on hand for the replanting process since you’re going to have a lot of empty spots.

Does Time Travel affect Turnip prices?:


I have heard about Bad Seed… What is it?:

In Wild World (the predecessor to New Leaf), there was a hack to make an invisible item that could be buried. If buried, the item could ruin and cause the save file of the cartridge to be… unplayable. It was very notorious since you wouldn’t know if someone buried it or not. So far, New Leaf doesn’t seem to have any… Bad Seeds floating around, but keep a look out.

Help! Blathers won’t let me donate!:

During online/wireless play, services such as Blathers are disabled temporary until said are over. The reason? Well, you can’t visit the Dream Suite in someone’s town, that’s just bumpkins. If you still can’t then you outta see if Porter hasn’t closed the gate. Alternatively if you select the… Start button, the option should be to “End Multiplayer session”.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Looking for a town in Winter or Fall.

Looking for in Winter and Fall: Fish and insects.

Paying: 20K for the trip.
My town is currently in March and I'll allow visitors. I just ask no running when off the paths, no taking fruit without permission, and please don't shop without asking first! :)

PM me to add/be added and I'll let you know when my gates open!