"Secret Santas"?


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2006
this may belong in AC:WW, if it does, move it please.

I was thinking that the Mods or Admins could pick a few members to be Secret Santas, and they PM them the name of a different member, and they are in charge of getting a gift for them on Christmas (on ACWW). Not only that, but they can send "Season's Greetings!" to someone (who isn't their person) and they copy & paste it onto a new message to the santa's person.

Like this, let's say I'm a Secret Santa. And...my person, let's call them the "kid", let's say its Gabbylala. So, I'll pick out a gift on AC:WW that she'd like, and save it for christmas. Then, I'd pick an "elf", and let's say that's Gerudo. So, I send him a series of images portraying christmas, and he copies it, pastes it onto a message to Gabbylala. He sends it to her, and tells her it's from her Secret Santa. And this goes on until Christmas, when we post on this thread who all the Santas were and who their elves and kids are. Then they can go to their towns and give them their gifts!

Soo? :yes: ? :no: ? Feedback wanted!!!
That seems harder than necessary but it'd be cool nonetheless.

I'm for it, though I doubt i'd be able to help out. >_>
I honestly didnt understand what you were trying to say..
How about if people PM an admin to enter, the Admin asigns them people?
Simple, no?
So is this for ACWW items (if so, maybe it should be moved to that board)? Also, I guess you could be in charge of it if you want.
I will assign you a member who is fairly active from my point of view.

1. You cannot reveal yourself to anyone but me or your elf.
2. If you find out someone is a Santa, DON'T REVEAL THEM.
3. If a santa doesn't like their "kid", they can request a switch.
4. If someone is asked to be an elf and they don't want to, they can refuse.
um im comfusled.. are you saying we exchange gifts on acwww and then later tell eachother who was who or are you saying we email eachother an em,ail with images that says seasons greetings???
Well I'll just leave this here, but let me know if you want it moved. It might also fit in TBT HQ.
That sounds splendid I might be able to do it only one problem though... I'm busy with my gifts on Christmas and there is a whole bunch of things going on that day!

??creativegirl?? said:
idc...youre the admin here. you decide. its kinda both...you send ACWW items and you send stuff via PM.
sweet im in by the way wanna come to my town later today if you can???