@Millysaurusrexjr I'm ready for your peach! would you like a message on the pear? I'm cool with a message if you want but no worries if you can't think of anything!
@Millysaurusrexjr I'm ready for your peach! would you like a message on the pear? I'm cool with a message if you want but no worries if you can't think of anything!
Bump, need an orange! Still looking for a mango and an apple afterwards as well, so long as you can can hold off purchasing immediately. Need them in a specific order!
Yes I really do, thank you so much! I'm waiting on my entry to be accepted and I'll grab that lychee for you first thing. Any message? I'm fine with any or none.
LOL sorry to make you repeat yourself, not sure how I didn't see you say that the first time. my entry got accepted so I've thrown the lychee over. thank you for your orange and your patience!