Selling 30 mil bells, golden tools, and mario item

Real money for a some "fake" money? You could have easily hacked the items and bells, we have no way to know. :no:
Jman said:
Real money for a some "fake" money? You could have easily hacked the items and bells, we have no way to know. :no:

StringBean, just leave if you're going to do this stuff.
TBT was going to attempt to sell bells on ebay at one point in time.
UltraByte said:
Justin125 said:
TBT was going to attempt to sell bells on ebay at one point in time.
T_T Serious?
Yes, because people were actually buying back then. It would have bee good money for TBT. But it didn't go through.
YogurtBandit said:
.moof said:
This is ACWW we're talking about, not a popular MMORPG.
Lol, you just bumped a Month old Topic

:p Why did you say its like a Popular MMORPG?
Because there wasn't any thread to reply to, so I just replied the one I saw first.

In Popular MMORPGs, most people buy rare equipment and money and stuff for real money.