United States [LF] Korean Version of #086 Chief [FT] NA WA, Other Series Cards, Other


Chief is best boy🐺✨
Jan 28, 2022
Red Holiday Candle
Hot Cocoa
Gingerbread Man
Red Holiday Candle
Tasty Cake
Pavé Pink Feather
Pavé Tail Feather
Pink Love Potion
Pink Love Potion
October Birthstone (Opal)
100% (12) +
DISO of the Korean version of #086 Chief!

I know this is probably an incredible long shot, but I figured I'd put it out there >>
I have many different cards from different Series I can trade (willing to trade multiples!). I also have some NA WA I'd be happy to trade 1:1 if anyone has this card 🥲
Also open to buying as well! 🙏
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Hello, I am also based in Texas and we can definitely do a bulk trade. Do you have your wants list anywhere?
Hello, I am also based in Texas and we can definitely do a bulk trade. Do you have your wants list anywhere?
Hello fellow Texan!
I do have a secondary list of ISO's, I was just hoping to try and get Lucky out of the way with at least one of my cards 😅 (unless you have Lucky? lol)
I would definitely be interested! There's still other trading forums that I haven't posted this to yet, so let me give those a shot first and if nothing comes up I'll let you know!
Heya! I got the following NA versions I would be down to trade

121 Tia
158 Timbra
105 Copper
164 Bianca

I'm not sure if your interested but I also have some EU/JP ones too
315 Redd (EU)
213 Diby (EU)
201 Rover (EU)
115 Nat (EU)
009 Digby (EU)
005 Kapp'n (EU)
118 Poncho (JP)
046 Winnie (JP)
117 Jack (JP)
@Boydo Sorry I should have specified, I'm only looking for NA cards! 😅 But I would be very interested in your NA cards, especially Tia and Bianca! Which cards of mine were you looking at?
@Boydo Sorry I should have specified, I'm only looking for NA cards! 😅 But I would be very interested in your NA cards, especially Tia and Bianca! Which cards of mine were you looking at?
Oh no biggie at all, Tia and Bianca are NA for sure! i'll send yea an IM if that's okay :D
Oh no biggie at all, Tia and Bianca are NA for sure! i'll send yea an IM if that's okay :D
Sure thing! I've already got Tia coming in from another trade, but I'm still interested in Timbra, Copper, and Bianca!
Hi! I have some cards you're looking for and would love to trade depending on what you still have left/still need. From your ISO, I have 158 Timbra, 245 Mac, 280 Victoria, 292 Baabara, 320 Mott, 324 Graham, 328 Boone, 336 Pierce, 343 Anabelle, 348 Olaf, 352 Rory, 360 Rod, 368 Chow, 371 Sally, 388 Maelle, and 396 Simon. From your cards, I'm interested in the 3 Amiibo Festival cards (Goldie, Rosie, Stitches), 092 Henry, 255 Wolfgang, and 323 Katt. Feel free to send me a message if you'd like to work out a trade!
@artemiss Hi! Thank you so much for your offer, unfortunately all of those have already been traded to other people! ^^;;
Edit: nevermind, I retract this offer.

Nice profile picture btw!
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Hey there!
I have Bitty, Louie & Weber
I’m interested in Gonzo & Bea.
Let me know if interested in trading any. :D