Trading /Selling Ribbot


<span style="color:210664; ">Doctor</span>
Aug 1, 2013
Small Mailbox
100% (7) +
I've decided that I don't really like Ribbot as much as I thought I would. He's the only dreamie I've gotten that I decided I didn't love. He moves out the fourth of next month but I'd like to time travel to get him out as soon as I can.
I haven't been able to update my signature, but I'm already getting Lucky. I would like to trade Ribbot for Snake if I can. If I can't do a trade, I'd like to sell him so I can buy Snake.

Make offers :D
Good luck! I didn't think I loved my Ribbot either, but since he was one of the first dreamies I got he really grew on me.
Aww, I want Ribbot, but I don't have snake or the bells right now. >.<

Edit: I can do 500k atm. I also have the ice set if you want it.
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Aww, I want Ribbot, but I don't have snake or the bells right now. >.<

Edit: I can do 500k atm. I also have the ice set if you want it.

I'm not really interested in the ice set. :/


EDIT: I will take Haruchu's offer on Sunday if no one answers (and offers Snake) by 10pm tomorrow night California time (PDT)
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I might be interested :) I'd have to TT a day ahead because I have one in boxes.
Are there any sets you are interested in?
I have 1.1 Mil. that enough?

Are there any sets you are interested in?

I think I'm just going to go ahead and take Haruchu's offer. It seems like the best so far and I doubt that I'll get an offer including Snake. I'll just have to hunt him down.
I'll probably try and reset to get Snake once Ribbot leaves.
ill pay 2 million for Ribbot. how that sound?

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