Selling Selling some DIY's

  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. Other


Krissy, WAKE UP
Jun 21, 2020
White Pansy
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Cherry (Fruit)
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Tasty Cake
100% (3) +
- Orange Dress
- Wood-plank sign
- Peach Wall
- Ski-slope flooring
- Golden Seat
- Peach Rug
-Wooden Chair (I have 2)
- Ironwood dresser
- Acoustic Guitar
- Cherry Umbrella (I have 2)
- Traditional Straw Coat
- Dark wooden-mosaic wall
- Bunny Day Rug
- Lily Wreath
- Log garden lounge
- Wooden-block table
- Doghouse
- Snowflake wreath

I'm not asking for anything ridiculous price wise. Just make an offer and we can go from there!

P.S gonna try and be at my computer most of the day today... so I'll try to answer as fast as possible if anyone comments <3 xoxo
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Can I get the Gold Seat, Peach Rug, Ironwood dresser, Acoustic Guitar, Lily Wreath, Dark Wooden-mosaic wall, and Snowflake Wreath for 14tbt?
Can I get the Gold Seat, Peach Rug, Ironwood dresser, Acoustic Guitar, Lily Wreath, Dark Wooden-mosaic wall, and Snowflake Wreath for 14tbt?

I'm going to be completely honest, even though I've been playing this game since the game cube days - I have NO idea what TBT means currency wise. >.< What does it mean?
I'm going to be completely honest, even though I've been playing this game since the game cube days - I have NO idea what TBT means currency wise. >.< What does it mean?
Its this forums currency! So on your profile where it says bells its also called tbt, I can do IGB as well if you didnt want the tbt lol I can offer 1mil IGB
Its this forums currency! So on your profile where it says bells its also called tbt, I can do IGB as well if you didnt want the tbt lol I can offer 1mil IGB
I'll probably never use TBT so in game bells works best! If you give me one moment I'll send you the dodo code!
Could I get the dog house? Not sure what a DIY is worth, but I can pay in bells or offer any of my extra DIYs for trade?
Could I get the dog house? Not sure what a DIY is worth, but I can pay in bells or offer any of my extra DIYs for trade?

What extra DIYs do you have? I'm always happy to do a trade, too!

On nookazon the doghouse DIY is going for 52k bells. I've been sort of using that to try and judge currency wise, lol.
I’ve got a bunch. If you want to come to my island, I can let you look through them to see if there are any you want, or do bells if you don’t need any of them?
I’ve got a bunch. If you want to come to my island, I can let you look through them to see if there are any you want, or do bells if you don’t need any of them?

Sure, I'll come by! Just DM your dodo code ^_^
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Just letting everyone know I added two more DIY's that I got that I also don't need!
I'm interested in the ironwood dresser DIY

Hey, this was back in january. I don't think I have that DIY anymore, but I'll go see if I do and I'll let you know. <3 May be a bit since I'm not home atm (on laptop at a relatives house)