Selling Selling some Items for Nook Miles Tickets..


One day at a time...
Mar 21, 2020
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
100% (78) +
Hey all,

I have the following things I am selling for Nook Miles Tickets. Just tell what what you want and how many and how many tickets you can give..

Black Lace Umbrella [x7]
Baby Panda [x5]
Mama Panda [SOLD OUT]
Traditional Tea Set [x6]
Unopened Message Bottle [x1]
Coconut Tree Fully Grown [x1]
Megacero Skull [x1]
Acanthostega [x1]
Black Tulips (Picked/Wearable) [x3]

Let me know please.

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Is it 1:1?

Or could I get
1 mama panda
1 baby panda
2 black tulips

For a nook miles ticket?
I'd get you a miles ticket if you gave me some unpicked black tulips or any other hybrids that aren't orange! It'd have to be at least two of each for breeding, though.
I would also be interested in 2 tea sets and a message in a bottle for 2 tickets please. :)
I didn’t know that. I’d still be interested in the recipe though if you’d still be willing to trade. I’m not picky on what it is.
I didn’t know that. I’d still be interested in the recipe though if you’d still be willing to trade. I’m not picky on what it is.

Neither did I :( Sure let me know your code.