u can visit my town if u want, no charge
however, i've never played online on NL before so do u need to add me as a friend or can u just visit anyone like in NH?
tysm, i added uYou’re so nice! We need to add each others FC to visit each other and also need to open your gates at the train station to allow far away ( online ) people! ; v ; My FC is 2423-3236-0368!
To access your own FC just go to the main menu of your 3DS ( Where it shows your games and stuff ) and click the boxy smiley face next to the pencil on the top of the page. ; v ;
Then hover over your name and give me the number that it shows! ( I hope I explained okay haha )
tysm, i added u
mine is 2552-4955-3447 ^-^