Pokémon Share Alolan form ideas!


moon doll
Jul 15, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
Alolan Parasect idea.

Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Compound eyes or Control boost.

Control Boost is an ability which allows alolan Parasects speed to go up by one stage every third turn of a battle.

Origin: A huge group of Parasect invaded Alola and went rogue because of the mushroom on their backs, the Alolan people captured them all and got rid of the parasite and replaced it with a shell made from iron, years went by and it eventually adapted to the manufactured shell and then it became apart of their appearance and altered it's appearance significantly, it now has pupils in its eyes and it has a much much longer life span due to the enhancements done to it, it is much more life like and normal.

I'm horrible at explaining things (sorry) and its just an idea that popped into my head.

Base stats:

HP: 90
Attack: 120
Defense: 105
Special Attack: 50
Special Defense: 105
Speed: 20
Total: 490

Leveling up moves:

Lv 1: Metal claw
Lv 1: Furry cutter
Lv 1: Automoze
Lv 1: Iron defense
Lv 1: Gyro ball
Lv 5: Metal claw
Lv 10: Furry cutter
Lv 13: Bullet punch
Lv 18: Poison powder & Sleep powder
Lv 20: Stun spore
Lv 22: Bug bite
Lv 25: Steamroller
Lv 28: Spore
Lv 30: X- Scissor
Lv 38: Heavy slam & Automize
Lv 45: Iron head
Lv 52: Shift gear
Lv 55: Meteor mash

Go ahead and share your ideas for new Alolan forms!!!
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I think Bug/ghost would be a better typing
abilities: cursed body/aftermath

im not good at explaining but here it goes:

Many of the Parasect died during a volcanic eruption long ago in Alola somehow the Mushroom on parasect's back survived and it took further control of the deceased parasects body or since they were covered in volcanic ash it became a bug/rock

if someone else has a better explaination feel free to make a better story
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I think Bug/ghost would be a better typing
abilities: cursed body/aftermath

im not good at explaining but here it goes:

Many of the Parasect died during a volcanic eruption long ago in Alola somehow the Mushroom on parasect's back survived and it took further control of the deceased parasects body or since they were covered in volcanic ash it became a bug/rock

if someone else has a better explaination feel free to make a better story

I went Bug/Steel so it would only have one weakness. XD

I tried Bug/Ghost, I think it has 5.
I was going to earlier, but then I forgot, thanks for reminding me.

no prob bob

Alolan Golduck water/psychic
Abilities: forewarn/raindish

Due to sudden flash floodings, Tsunamis, hurricanes, and Volcanic Eruptions Alolan Golduck have increased its psychic power over time in order to predict and protect others from these natural disasters
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Alolan Onix/Steelix

Type: Water/Rock and Water/Steel

Due to the mass amounts of water surrounding the Alola region and the lack of underground area, Onix and Steelix adapted it's body structure to allow it to swim in great depths of water. It's new body structure causes both these Pokemon to become extremely light and swift in water allowing it to resist and absorb Water attacks and use this to recover itself as well as resist what was once one of it's prime weaknesses and pack a full punch! As a part of their adaptation, Alolan Onix and Steelix also aquired sharp clamps to ward off any attackors from behind.

Abilities: Hydration/Swift Swim, Hydration/Light Metal

Alolan Onix still requires the Metal Coat to be holded while trading to exolve into Alolan Steelix.


-Water Sport
-Shell Smash
4. Curse
7. Water Gun
10. Aqua Jet
13. Rage
16. Stealth Rock
19. Rock Polish
20. Quick Attack
22. Razor Shell
25. Dragon Breath
28. Slam
31. Screech
34. Crabhammer
37. Withdraw
40. Aqua Tail
43. Dive
46. Iron Tail
49. Double Edge
52. Rain Dance
Alolan Jynx

Type: Fire/ Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll or Adaptability.

Origin: Kimonos all over the world brought their Jynx's to a dance festival in Alola to compete, all the Jynx trainers lost and had to leave them in Alola to practice during that time they began to adapt to the warm climate and plants around them and so began to transform in appearance, they began to resemble hula dancers.

Leveling up moves:

Lv. 1: Ember
Lv. 1: Magical leaf
Lv. 1: Absorb
Lv. 1: Worry seed
Lv. 1: Synthesis
Lv. 5: Ember & Absorb
Lv. 8: Worry seed
Lv. 13: Magical leaf
Lv. 15: Teeter dance
Lv. 20: Draining kiss
Lv. 23: Fiery dance
Lv. 25: Sunny day
Lv 30: Giga drain
Lv 32: Sleep powder, Poison powder, Stun spore
Lv 36: Quiver dance
Lv 38: Leech seed
Lv 44: Solar beam & Fire blast
Lv 48: Synthesis
Lv 50: Petal dance
Lv 55: Leaf storm

Base stats:

HP: 80
Attack: 30
Defense: 85
Special Attack: 125
Special Defense: 95
Speed: 115
Base total: 535
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Alolan Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff.

Origin: Thousands of Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff had began to arrive at Alola due to the attraction of a certain stone, this stone made them completely different if they ate them, when they bred they would be born with this new appearance, however Igglybuff does not have the same affect.

Type: Fairy/ Psychic.

Alolan Jigglypuff

Hp: 115
Attack: 20
Defense: 60
Special Attack: 70
Special Defense: 60
Speed: 35
Base total: 360

Leveling up moves:

Lv 1. Sing
Lv 3. Pound
Lv 5. Cosmic Power
Lv 8. Disarming Voice
Lv 11. Round
Lv 15. Confusion
Lv 18. Psybeam
Lv 21. Agility
Lv 24. Misty Terrain
Lv 28. Draining Kiss
Lv 32. Nasty Plot
Lv 35. Perish Song
Lv 37. Psychic
Lv 40. Dazzling Gleam
Lv 44. Hyper Voice
Lv 49. Moonblast

Abilities: Cute Charm/ Magic Gaurd

Alolan Wigglytuff

HP: 130
Attack: 30
Defense: 95
Special Attack: 115
Special Defense: 95
Speed: 95
Base total: 515

Leveling up moves:

Lv.1 Sing
Lv.1 Disable
Lv.1 Hyper Voice
Lv.1 Defense Curl
Lv.1 Play Rough
Lv.1 Double- Edge

Abilities: Pixilate/ Magic Gaurd.